Her face heated up at that. She had gotten spanked a couple of times at the club, not by Mac since he wasn't there.

"I don't think so," she replied. "I'm a good girl. No spankies needed for me." Was all of that a lie? Sure. She did act out every once in a while.

Mac chuckled. "Sure you are, but you are naughty sometimes. Naughty girls need spankings. Even good girls need spankings every once in a while."

She shook her head.

"Good girl spankings can be pleasurable, not hurt. Unless you're into that," he said.

"Can we please stop talking about this?" she asked. They were in the middle of the supermarket. They were going to start to get weird looks if people overheard their conversation.

"No one is listening to our conversation," Mac said. "You don't have to worry. I wouldn't say something if someone was."

She relaxed a little with that. He was watching out for her. When didn't he watch out for her?

"Now, where are we going?" Mac asked.

Janie had very slowly started to make her way towards the feminine products. She was trying to figure out if she could get away with not getting any today. But she didn't know how long her car was going to be in the shop for and Mac told her she wasn't allowed to take Ubers anymore.

There was no way she could go out tomorrow or the next day without her car or Mac knowing.

"It's just over here," she mumbled. "If you need to get anything, you can. I'll just be a couple seconds."

"Not leaving you," he replied.

She sighed. "Thought so." Janie walked down a beauty aisle and to the back where all the feminine stuff was.

"Are you okay?" Mac asked. "You've gone all quiet."

"I just need to grab a couple of things. You can go get some other things if you need them. Really, I'll be fine," she said. Janie was starting to feel embarrassed the closer they got. They were all right there, on display for anyone to see.

"Stop," Mac said.

She stilled but continued to look down at her feet. There was no way she could look at him right now, not when they were at the end of the aisle and right in front of the feminine products.

Janie felt his hands grab her chin and gently pulled it up. Her eyes made contact with him and she tried to pull her head away.

"Janie. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Females need feminine products," he said. "I grew up with sisters and am used to this. You don't need to be embarrassed or ashamed."

Tears pooled in her eyes and she blinked several times. Janie was embarrassed. She didn't like this. Her ex-husband never wanted to see her pads and tampons. He told her to put it in the spare bathroom so he didn't have to look at them.

"Everything is going to be okay," he gently said. "I'm going to take care of you. If you need pads, let me know and I'll go out to the store to get them. Need me to place my hands on your stomach while you have cramps, I'll do it. I don't want you to be in pain and suffering because you think I can't handle it. It's just a period."

Janie closed her eyes and tried to pull her face free, but he didn't have any of that.

"Janie, look at me," he said.

She kept her eyes closed. She didn't want to see what he was thinking right now.

"Janie," he said. "Now."

Her eyes opened.

"It doesn't gross me out. My sister and mom made sure that it wouldn't. Let me take care of you and don't be embarrassed," he gently said. "Everything is going to be okay. I promise."

He let go of her chin and she looked away.

"Some day you are going to understand," he said. "Why don't you grab what you need. I'll carry them for you."