"Pinky!" Mac yelled, but she ignored him.

She really didn't want to talk to him right now. She hadn't since he took her home from the club. Since he asked her to forgive him and told her he was going to fight for both of them.

She also didn't know what his obsession with calling her Pinky came from. He had just recently started to call her that. Her favorite color was pink, but that couldn't be it.

"Janie! I know you can hear me!" he yelled again. "Please, I just want to talk."

She unlocked her door and quickly opened it, hoping in the car.

"Pinky! I know you can hear me," he said. "Turn around and let's talk for a second."

Janie let out a sigh and turned in her seat so she could see him. Mac was standing right next to her.

How fast was he walking to get to her?

"Yes," she asked. "What do you need?"

He looked at her and then at the steering wheel.

"Is it safe for you to drive?" he asked.

She gave him a confused look. Why wouldn't it be safe for her to drive? She wasn't sick or anything.

"Of course it is," she replied. "I'm not sick."

"Can you even see over the steering wheel?" he asked.

Anger bubbled inside of her. Why was he asking her these questions?

"Of course, I fucking can," she said and cringed. She didn't like cursing but when someone got on her nerves, sometimes it slipped out. "Sorry," she whispered. "I didn't mean to curse."

He shook his head. "Can you see everything?"

"I'm perfectly fine!" she raised her voice. "I've been driving for years in this car."

Mac looked down at her feet and back up towards her, almost like he was assessing everything.

"Maybe I should get you a booster seat," he said. "But then how would you reach the pedals?"

"I don't need a booster seat," she said.

"Can you reach the pedals?" he asked. "Try and reach them now so I can see."

"I don't need to show you! I can reach the pedals just fine and I can also see everything."

He looked at her. "Please."

"No," she replied. "What do you want? I have places to go."

Mac sighed but gave her a smile. "Maybe I'll buy you a booster seat for your car. I'm already getting you one for my car."

"You. Are. Not," she said through her clenched jaw. "I'm not a child."

"No, but you are a Little. I want you safe at all times," he said.

She glared at him. "What do you want?"

He gave her another smile. "Do you want to get lunch?"