Janie's face cracked. Shit. He was for real. His mouth opened again and panic went through her. "I'll go!" Janie said as she turned around.
She slowly made her way towards the corner, not liking it one bit. Sure, she could have handled the situation better but Charlotte had it coming. She was being mean and withholding something she wasn't even using. It wasn't right.
"Legs wider apart," Mac said.
Janie huffed but moved her legs.
"Butt sticking out."
Wasn't her butt already sticking out far enough?
"Janie," Mac's voice held a warning in it. "Does your punishment need to be worse?"
She pushed her bottom out further.
"Good girl," Mac said. "Now, stay in this position until I call for you. If you move or talk then your time will restart."
Janie didn't want her time to restart. That was going to be torture. But she also didn't know how long she was going to be able to hold this position.
It was torture.
It was boring.
"I want you to think about what you did wrong while you're facing the corner," Mac said. "Do you understand?"
Janie didn't move or talk. She didn't know if the time had started or not and she didn't want to risk it starting over.
"Do you understand?" Mac asked. "You can speak. Your time won't restart."
"Yes, Sir," she replied. "I understand."
Everything in her wanted to call him Daddy, but she knew he wasn't hers.
"I'm going to be a few feet away from you. If you need anything or need to call out your safe word, I'll be able to hear," Mac said.
Janie could hear him walk away and she was left to her thoughts.
Was she really going to stand in the corner and think about what she did? Yes, because Mac told her to and she didn't want to disappoint him. He meant a lot to her and she didn't want to ruin anything. And she may have done something wrong.
Okay, she did do something wrong.
Janie shouldn't have yelled and pulled Charlotte's hair. She didn't know what came over her to do that. It was like something possessed her for that minute or however long it was. How long did she hold onto her hair? It felt like a couple of seconds, but it could have been more.
The past two weeks had been very emotional and stressful for Janie. Maybe that came over her and she couldn't help it. Like it was the very tip of the iceberg and it was finally tipping over. She shouldn't have pulled her hair. It was unacceptable. Janie shouldhave grabbed Mac or any other monitor or owner of the club to help with the situation.
But she didn't. And now she was stuck in the corner. Was Charlotte in the corner or getting spanked? She wasn't an angel. What she did was wrong.
Maybe next time she shouldn't come to the club and should just sleep. While the past two weeks had been stressful and emotional, she was also exhausted. It didn't seem like she got enough sleep with her daughter and work.
Maybe she could ask the babysitter to look after Eleanor for a little bit while she caught up on sleep or work. But just the thought of that made her feel guilty. She wanted to be the best mother she could be for Eleanor. Janie already struggled asking for a babysitter while she went to the club. She needed some time to relax and let her Little out but that didn't make her feel any better.
And of course the one night she acted out Mac was there. It seemed like any time she came to the club he was out downstairs and not in his office.
Mac was someone else. Dreamy. Dominant. And her next door neighbor.
That's right.
Her next door neighbor.