There were obvious reasons Janie shouldn't get involved with Mac. So many reasons but there were reasons that she could be with him. Janie was attracted to him. His Daddy side called out to her Little. She wanted to be with him because he made her feel safe, comfortable, and valued. Everything he did made her want to be more with him.

But she couldn't be.

Janie had a daughter, an ex-husband, and so much baggage in her life. It wasn't simple to just get with him. There was so much at stake. She needed to think about her daughter and how it would affect her. He had already met her and she was keen on him. Janie didn't want her daughter to get too attached and him leave. It would break both of them if he left.

But it was like he was made for both of them. She wanted him to be Daddy to her and a father figure to Eleanor. He was good at it. The little interaction she saw her daughter have with Mac was enough to know they would get along and it would be great.

Mac was a good man. He was an amazing person who put a lot of people before himself. Made sure that everything was okay and that nothing was going to go wrong. There weren't many men out there like that. Or at least the ones she had met. All of them were assholes who only cared about themselves and what benefited them.

Her ex-husband was one of them.

Janie shook her head. She didn't need to think about her ex-husband. It didn't take her a long time to get over him, but she still had to deal with him. Not because of their daughter, but he always managed to leave something at the house that he needed.

Her ex-husband had forfeited all of his rights to their daughter. He didn't want to be a part of their lives. Janie was glad he gave up all rights. It made life easier.

Her phone started to ring, scaring her.

"Shit," she muttered as she tried to find her phone. Where was that stupid thing? Finally finding it, she accepted the call.

"Hey, Echo," She said.

"Lose your phone again?" she asked.

"Yes. I thought I had it right with me, but it was in a drawer."

Janie had a habit of losing her phone. It wasn't the best and she tried to place it in the same spot each time, but that didn't always happen. Having a two year old made it hard when she had to drop things to go help or fix something.

"You need to wear it around your neck or in your pocket," Echo said.

"Women's pants don't have pockets and it's too heavy and big to be around my neck."

She had the latest smartphone for work and personal use. She had wanted to get two, one for personal and work, but Janie knew she wouldn't be able to keep track of them. She already had a hard time keeping track of one, two would be nearly impossible.

"When are you coming to the club?" Echo asked. "We all miss you."

Janie sighed. She had also been skipping going to the club so she could avoid Mac. She missed it terribly but she also didn't want to talk to Mac right now.

"I was thinking about coming tonight, but I'm not sure," Janie said.

"Does Mac have anything to do with you not coming to the club?" Echo asked. She kept quiet. All of them knew that she liked Mac but they didn't know everything.

"No," she replied.

"Bullshit," Echo said. "Don't lie to me. Is it Mac? Do I need to do something?"

"No," she quickly said. "You don't need to do anything. It's just me."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Maybe but not really." She sighed. She wanted to talk about it, but at the same time she didn't. What if the girls made fun of her? What if they told her she wasn't good for Mac any more?

"Well, if you need to talk, I'm here for you. All I can say is Mac has come in every night into the main room to see if you're here. Disappointed every time he doesn't see you," Echo said.

Janie was shocked at the news. She didn't think that would happen.

"Really?" She whispered.

"Oh yeah," Echo said. "Visible disappointment. Whatever is going on between you two, don't let it get in the way of you coming and relaxing, having a good time."