“Dada! Up!”

He quickly picked Eleanor up, holding her close to him. Tears had formed in his eyes as what she said was finally being processed. She had called him dad. Something he never thought she would do, she had.

“Hi, princess,” Mac said.

Eleanor snuggled into his chest and he cherished the moment even more. He had started to think of Ellie as his daughter and to hear her call him that, it melted his heart.

Mac turned slightly and looked back at Janie. Her upper body was hunched over as she cried into her hands.

“Pinky,” Mac said. “Come here.” She looked up, tears streaming down her face. “Come,” his voice was more of a command now. He didn’t want her to be all alone right now. He wanted to be there to comfort her.

Janie walked over towards them, ever so slowly. She was still crying by the time she stood right next to him. He didn’t even think before he put his free arm around her and pulled her close to him.

“I love you,” he whispered as he kissed the side of her head. Another sob wracked through her body at his words. His heart went out to her in this situation. Mac had no doubt that so many emotions were going through her right now.

“I’m going to go,” Joann whispers. “I’m happy for you guys.”

Mac gave her a smile and held on tighter to the both of them. Janie snuggled into his side and she continued to cry.

“You’re okay,” he whispered. “I’ve got you.”

After a couple minutes of standing in the doorway, Janie pulled back and looked up at him. She had finally stopped crying, but he could still see the tears in her eyes.

“I don't,” she took a deep breath in. “I don’t know what to say.”

“I feel honored,” he gently said. “I’ve already told you I think of Ellie as my daughter.” Even more tears appeared in her eyes and he gently wiped away the one that fell down her cheek. “I’m not just saying that to say it. It’s how I truly feel.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you so much, Daddy.”

“For what?”

“For fighting for us.”




“Ilove the feeling of being inside of you,” Daddy said as he laid right next to her.

Janie sighed and leaned her head on his chest. Ever since she had said she wanted to be with him and Eleanor calling him dad, it was different. Amazing. It was like their whole dynamic had changed since Eleanor called him that. in a good way.

In the beginning she didn't know how she should have felt about Eleanor calling Mac dada. Part of her was worried that he wasn't going to like it, but she should have known better. It was Mac, her Daddy. He had confessed that he wanted to be her dad. that had melted her heart but also made her nervous.

“You say that every time,” Janie said. Daddy made it known that he loved being inside of her every single time. He was on a mission to get her pregnant and she wasn't mad about it.

The thought of having a baby with him made her insides all gooey. She wasn't worried that he was going to treat Eleanor any differently if they had another kid. The way he interacted with her now, showed that everything was going to be alright. He truly saw her as his own.

“And I'm always going to say it,” Daddy said. “It's true and I don't lie.”

“I bet you have lied before,” she replied.

“Sure, everybody lies at some point. but I try to make it a habit not to lie. I don't like lying to people at all.”

Before Janie could say anything, she heard yelling.

“Mama! Dada!” Eleanor yelled.