Mac wanted to have other kids with Janie. If she wanted them. If not, then Eleanor was enough. He just wanted both of them. He wanted them to be a family. Mac just needed to prove to Janie that he was going to be the best Daddy for her and her daughter. That he loved her and wanted nothing but the best.

This was a step in the right direction. He needed to show her that he wanted her. That she meant the world to him, both of them did. Mac made his way towards his kitchen. He knew howto cook. His mom made him learn so he could impress but also help his future wife.

He had briefly heard something from the Littles at the club that Janie couldn't cook. And that worried him. What were they eating? Lots of chicken nuggets and premade foods? That wasn't going to do. They both needed a balanced diet to keep them functioning. Everyone in the world needs a balanced diet. With snacks and other unhealthy things, but it was important to hit protein goals to sustain the body the person had.

Mac started preheating the oven and got everything out he needed to to make mac and cheese. He didn't know what possessed him to get the chicken nuggets Janie liked the other day, but he had. And he was thankful he got them now. He had no clue when he was going to have her over before this, but he wanted to be prepared.

It paid off to be prepared for the unexpected. Mac laid out the chicken nuggets on the cookie sheet and got working on the mac and cheese. He hadn't realized how much time had already passed since he told her to be there in forty minutes. Where had the time gone?

Thinking about Janie and her daughter. That was where it went. It was easy for Mac to get lost in thoughts about them.

He pulled the mac and cheese off of the heat and the chicken nuggets out of the oven. They should be coming any minute now. Was he going to have to bring everything over to her house?

The look in her eyes showed that she didn't want him to come over to her house. That was one of the reasons he told her to come over to him. He didn't want to invade her space.

The doorbell went off right as he was about to pack some of it away to take over. A smile spread across his face as he walked towards the front door and opened it. Janie and Eleanor were standing there. Well, Eleanor was in Janie's arms.

"Hello! Welcome to my house," Mac said as he stood to the side. "Please, come in."

Janie walked into his house and looked around. There wasn't much in his house besides some decorations and furniture. He hadn't had the time or drive to fill the house yet. He wanted his wife to do that. He wanted to do it together.

"My sister helped with the furniture and all," Mac said. "Didn't want to fill the space yet and she didn't like it being bare." Janie looked at him with a confused face.

"Are both of you hungry?" he asked. Mac didn't want to scare her off by explaining he was waiting until he found the right girl. She was the right girl and no doubt it would scare her away.

"Nuggies!" Eleanor yelled as she wiggled in her mothers arms.

"Alright," Mac said. "How about both of you sit down at the table and I'll bring in the food." He quickly dished up some food on three plates before walking into the dining room area.

"I hope you don't mind. I saw the high chair and thought it would be wise for Eleanor to sit in it," Janie said. "I don't think she'll be able to reach or see the table where her food is if she sits on one of the chairs."

"No worries. My sister's kids come over a lot and I have that for them," Mac said.

He had also bought one that a full grown adult could sit in. He didn't know how young his Little would be when he bought it but he wanted to be prepared. Now he wanted to know if Janie would use it or not. He needed to hold his horses. Janie hadn't even agreed to anything yet and he was already thinking about the future.

Mac placed the plates down and sat down across from Janie. He wanted to be close to Eleanor in case something happened.

"Does she eat with her hands?" Mac asked.

"Yes, she does. It can get quite messy," Janie replied.

"If you want, she can eat the nuggets with her hands and I can feed her the mac and cheese." He had fed his sister's kids so many times. It was like second nature. He also had fed many Littles while they were at the club.

It was one of his favorite times.

"You don't have to do that. I can feed her when she gets to the mac and cheese," Janie said.

"Could I?" he asked. "Sometimes I miss feeding someone." It was the truth. He loved taking care of people and his sister didn't come around a lot any more. He also didn't want to do this with any other Little, only Janie.

"If y-you're sure," she whispered. "I can just do it."

"I'm sure. I really would like to do it, but if you don't want me to then I won't," he said. She looked down at her table and he wanted to know what she was thinking. Was he pushing her too far?

"Okay," she replied.

"Thank you. If at any point you want me to stop, just let me know," he said.

All three of them started to eat their food. Eleanor seemed to be enjoying the chicken nuggets. Mac had made sure that they were cut up into smaller pieces so they cooled off but also so she wouldn't choke on them. He had also cut Janie's in half. It was instinct and he was worried she didn't like it. But she seemed to be enjoying them.