Mac sighed and sat down in front of her. He was facing towards the door while she had her back towards it. It wasn't her favorite spot but she knew that Mac would want it.
“Stop putting distance between us,” Mac said. “I don’t like it.”
Janie didn't say anything as she looked at him. What would she say to that? He had caught her red handed trying to put distance between them.
“I'm not putting distance between us,” she lied. Maybe if she said that, he would believe it. She highly doubted it but it was worth a try.
“Yes, you are. It's easy to tell when you're trying to put distance between us. Give us a try before you say no. It may be the best thing that has ever happened to you,” he said.
The waitress from the night they were there came over and gave him a smile. Mac ordered for all three of them and she left.
Janie looked at Mac as he interacted with her daughter. He had handed her crayons and a piece of paper. Something she wanted to do right now.
“You can color as well if you want. I brought some crayons and paper for you as well,” Mac said. “Just let me know if you want to.”
She blushed and looked down at her lap. He had brought her crayons and paper as well? He wouldn't think that it was weird for her to color in public? Where everybody could see her.
“I don't care what everybody else thinks. If you want to color, you can and I'll support you.”
She nodded her head and he brought some paper and crayons out, placing them in front of her. She started to color as they waited for their food.
“Your family is just the cutest,” someone said.
Janie looked up to see an elderly couple looking at them. Did they really think that they were a family? She opened her mouth, ready to tell them that they weren't a family but Mac beat her to it.
“Thank you so much,” he said. “I've always wanted a family and I finally do.”
“So sweet. You guys take care,” The lady said.
The couple walked off and Janie looked back at Mac. Why would he do that? Why didn't he tell them the truth? They weren't a couple, let alone a family.
“Why did you do that?” Janie asked.
Mac had started to color a little section of her paper. She waited for him to respond, but he didn't.
“Are you going to answer my question?” She softly asked.
He looked up from what he was doing and gave her a small smile. “Because I consider you two my family. You two have become so much to me and I would hate to lose you guys.”
Her mouth hung open and she tried to process his words. The waitress came by and dropped off their food, but she didn't pay any attention. Mac had thought about Eleanor and her being his family?
“It's okay. That's just how I feel,” he said. “Let's eat before the food gets cold.”
Janie slowly started to eat her food and helped Eleanor eat hers. Her stomach was all in knots. From her lying and feeling guilty to being anxious about what Mac had just said. How was she supposed to respond to that?
She didn't get far into eating before her stomach started to protest. She wasn't going to be able to eat anymore with everything going on. Janie started to focus on feeding Eleanor, not that she needed much help, but she was trying to keep her mind off of everything.
“Please eat,” Mac said.
“I'm not really hungry,” she replied.
“Just a couple more bites? I'm sorry if you're not hungry because of what I said. That wasn't my intention. I was just speaking the truth and I wanted you to know.”
She nodded her head and took a couple more bites. The food here really was great and she wanted to eat it, but her stomach was tied up in knots. She watched as Mac started to interact with Eleanor, feeding her some fries and coloring with her.
Janie started to envision him and her together. How they got along so great and how he was great with Eleanor. Whoever he was with, he would be an amazing dad. He would be an amazing Daddy, as well.
Her heart constricted as she thought about it more. She wanted that. She wanted it so badly but she knew that with her ex-husband, she wouldn't be able to. And her daughter, because there weren't a lot of men who wanted to be with a woman who already had a child. If any.