“I do. It's right next to Finn's, right?” She asked.
“It is. So when you're done talking to the girls or you need anything, you come get me.”
“I will, don't worry. I'm not going to run off.”
He chuckled and placed his hand on the small of the back. “If you do, I'll just chase after you. I love a good chase.” Janie's cheeks went red as he said that. Arousal had filled her with the thought of him chasing her. She would love to do that.
“Does my Pinky love the thought of that?” Mac asked as they walked into the main room.
She shook her head. He didn't need to know that it turned her on. It had been one of her fantasies to have that happen to her. Maybe someday she would actually have it happen. Or maybe she would just fantasize about it, read about it but nothing else.
“I'll see you soon,” Mac said as he kissed her head and walked towards his office.
She blushed as she held Eleanor in her arms. He had kissed her head right in front of the girls. Janie knew that they were going to ask questions when she got over there. They were all up in her business about Mac and her.
She started to walk over towards the girls, keeping her head down. No doubt they were all looking at her right now.
“So, are you going to be coming with Mac on a regular basis or what?” Echo asked.
“Has anything happened between you two?” Monroe asked. “Had sex? Have you kissed? Fooled around?”
Janie's mouth fell open as she looked at them. Were they really asking her those questions? She knew they talked about things, but they had never talked about this. It had always been tame.
“Don't look so shocked. You've done the nasty before. That's how Eleanor got into the picture,” Charlotte said. “We've all done it, or at least I think we've all done it. Not having a kid but having sex.”
“Please,” Janie said. “Eleanor is right here.”
“Oh, is she at the age where she repeats everything?” Hedda asked. “I've seen several kids repeat things that they shouldn't.”
“So please, I don't want her to repeat things. She hasn't yet, but it's bound to happen soon.” Janie had come lucky right now. She had no doubt that Eleanor listened to what everyone said, but she hadn't repeated anything that was bad yet.
“So, are you going to answer our question?” Echo asked. “Has something happened between you two?”
Janie sat down on one of the chairs, placing Eleanor in her lap. She didn't want to answer the question. So much had happened and she didn't want to make the mood go dark.
“Something has happened,” Charlotte said. “She hasn't answered. So, what has happened?”
“I don't want to make the mood go dark. A lot has happened and yeah,” Janie replied. She was hoping that they would let it go when she said that, but she should have known better. They wanted all the details and they weren't going to rest until they got it.
“Come on. We asked and we want to know,” Hedda said. “Unless it's very personal and you don't want us to know. But give us something.”
“Hedda,” Monroe said.
“What? I'm just speaking the truth. We do want to know and we want her to give us something but if it's too personal then she doesn't have to.”
“You could have been nicer about it,” Monroe replied.
“Me, nice? You know that those two words don't go together.”
Everyone's attention turned back to Janie and she sighed. She knew she was going to have to give them something. Maybe they could help out with her trying to understand and get out of this situation.
“But first, I need to meet Eleanor,” Charlotte said. “You look so cute on your mama’s lap. Can I hold her?”
“If she'll let you. She hasn't been too keen on new people but she absolutely loves Mac,” Janie replied.
She handed Eleanor over to Charlotte and she snuggled into her body. Maybe Eleanor was growing out of not liking new people. Janie had hoped Eleanor would but she didn't want to push her into an uncomfortable situation to make her cry.
“She is so precious snuggling into me,” Charlotte said and then sighed. “I want kids.”