Her heart started to race as he counted. She knew that if she didn't get there by the time he said three, she was going to be in even more trouble. Would it be worth it? She hadn't officially gotten spanked by him yet and part of her didn't want to, but the other part wanted to.

She had decided that she wasn't going to budge. No matter if he continued to count.

“Two,” he said.

Before she could stop herself, she found herself scrambling over to him.

“That's an extra five swats for not coming when you were told,” he said.

Janie pouted. “No fair.”

Mac shook his head. “No, it is fair. You are naughty and I told you to stop. You didn't pay attention. Then, I asked you to come over to me and you didn't. I asked twice and had to count. It is fair. If you were a good girl and came when I asked, your punishment wouldn't have been as severe.”

She regretted not coming when he told her to. Why did she always have to be so strong willed? Could it be that she wanted to test him? See if he would actually follow through with the punishment he said he was going to give her?

“Can you tell me why you are getting a spanking?” He asked.

Janie looked over her shoulder to see Eleanor still playing. Every once in a while she would look over, but her attention was on her dolls.

“Eyes on me,” Mac said. Her eyes found his again. His stare was so intense, she started to teeter totter on her feet. “Can you tell Daddy why you're going to get punished?” He asked.

Her mind was everywhere else but with him. What if Eleanor saw what they were doing? What if something happened and she wasn't paying attention? She needed to have her attention on Eleanor and make sure that she didn't swallow something she wasn't supposed to or get hurt.

“Janie,” Daddy said.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. She needed to stop calling him Daddy in her head or even out loud. He wasn't her Daddy. He was never going to be her Daddy because she didn't deserve him. He shouldn't want her because she has baggage and a child that was not his.

“I'll keep an eye on Eleanor. I want you to answer my question now,” he said. “ Don't worry about Eleanor. I've got her.”

It was so easy for him to say that, but could she let go and let him fully watch over her? She knew that once the punishment started she wasn't going to be able to pay attention to Eleanor. Spankings hurt and it took everything out of her.

Janie took a deep breath in. “I wanted a cookie and you said no. I threw a tantrum.”


“And I didn't come when you told me to, three times. I'm sorry.”

“All will be forgiven after your spanking,” he said impattered his lap. “Lay over.”

She stared at his lap and didn't know what to do. She had been spanked once when she was younger but it had been years. Mac had never spanked her before and she was worried.

“I'm going to be watching over Eleanor. Nothing is going to happen to her. Now, lay over my lap.”

She slowly laid over his lap. It wasn't the most uncomfortable position. But she knew that was the case because punishmentsweren't supposed to be comfortable. Nerves ran through her as she waited for him to start spanking her.

“Well, I'm going to have you stand up again and take your pants and panties off.”

Janie whined and stayed over his lap. She didn't want to have her bottom spanked bare. Two swats landed on her bottom and she yelled.

“What was that for?” She asked.

“For not getting up when I said to. Take your pants and panties off. Daddy only spanks on a bare bottom. Unless you're on your period and don't have a tampon in,” he said.

Her face got bright red as he talked about her period. How could he do that so nonchalantly? Sure it was a normal thing for her, but he was a guy. He didn't have one.

“Awww, look at those pretty pink cheeks. Soon enough you'll have other pink cheeks to match.”

She pouted as she pulled her pants and underwear down. “No fair.”