“Let’s go get you in a lukewarm bath,” Janie whispered. “You can’t have medicine for another seven hours. Michael said to put you in a lukewarm bath, so that’s what we’ll do.”

She just wished it would go away now. She hated that Eleanor was sick and suffering while she couldn’t do much. How much longer was she going to be sick?

“Come on,” she whispered. “Let’s go get you in the bath.”

Janie yawned as she sat up. Her whole body ached and was moving so slowly. This was going to be a very long day. Maybe Eleanor would go down for a nap later.

She picked Eleanor up and slowly carried her to the bathroom out in the hall. Janie turned the water on and waited for it to get lukewarm before she stopped it up.

“Such a good girl,” Janie whispered as she put Eleanor in the bathtub.

She held onto Eleanor as she sat her down in the bathtub before she lowered herself on the ground. She laid her head on the side of the tub and tiredly watched as Eleanor played in the water.

“Really need to invest in something smaller so she can’t drown,” Janie whispered to herself. “So mama doesn’t have to hold you all the time.”

She didn’t mind, but for situations like this, it would be nice not to have to hold her the whole time.

“Or maybe mama can come in the bath with you next time. Hold you against my body as you play,” she said. “I think I’ll do that next time. But I would be worried about falling asleep.”

Janie closed her eyes for a second as she took a deep breath in. Everything was going to work out right now. She was going to get through all of this. Maybe she’ll ask her sister to watch Eleanor when she’s all better so she can sleep for over twelve hours. Though, Janie didn’t think it would help that much.

She needed to be better at getting to sleep on time and actually sleeping. She liked to read before she went to bed, most nights. Sometimes she was so exhausted she just fell asleep, but she normally read before.

“Are you talking to yourself?” Mac asked.

Janie let out a little scream, turned her head with wide eyes. Her heart started racing as she stared at him. She had completely forgotten that he was downstairs sleeping on her couch. Had she woken him up?

“I’m sorry if I woke you up,” she said. “You can go back to bed. I’ll just be in here. And if you need to go to the bathroom, you can use the one in my room.”

“I was slowly starting to wake up. You didn’t wake me up,” he said. “How about you go back to sleep and I’ll take care of Eleanor?”

She shook her head and looked back at Eleanor playing in the water. She was enjoying herself and Janie was happy. It was better than her screaming and crying.

“I’m okay right here,” she whispered. “Just need the lukewarm water to cool her body down some.”

“Does she have a fever?” He asked.

“Maybe. I didn’t actually check her temperature, but her forehead wasn’t as hot as it was this morning. So I guess that’s a win. But I wanted to get ahead of it.”

She would do anything to get ahead of it. Normally fevers came back with a vengeance in the afternoon. Hopefully, it won't happen today.

Mac walked up, turned off the water, and sat down behind her. “Lean into my body. I’ll hold you up while you hold her.”

Janie hesitated. She didn’t know if that was a good idea or not.

“Nothing is going to happen. I just want to help you out. I bet it would feel better than having your face up against the cold bathtub. I’m warm.”

She had to agree with him on that. While the cold of the bathtub was nice, she also didn’t want to get too cold. Janie could never hold her heat in. She leaned back into his chest and let out a sigh. She could already feel the heat from him, warming her up.

“Such a good girl,” he said. “I’m proud of you.”

Her heart fluttered. He was proud of her? For what?

“I know it’s not easy being a single mom but you’re doing amazing. I know it’s not easy leaning on people and allowing them to help you out when you need it, but you did in the past twenty-four hours and I’m proud of you,” he gently said as heran his hands through her hair. “And know that I’ll always be here for you. Whatever you need, I’ll help and provide for you.”

“I don’t need anything,” she whispered. “We’re doing just fine.”

“I know you are. I know that you work and make enough money to support both of you. I don’t want to take that away, but I still want to help you and provide for you two,” he gently said. “You can still work and spend that money on things you want to do. Take a girls trip? Yeah, go ahead. Get your nails done? Done. And I’ll pay for the necessities.”