“I did not say that out loud,” she whispered. “I didn’t. Did I?”
“You did and it was absolutely adorable.”
“I’ve been eating enough, but probably haven’t been sleeping or drinking enough.”
“I want you to get at least seven hours of sleep at night. If you can’t do that, then a nap during the day to help,” Michael said. “I also want you drinking at least forty ounces of water, but if you can drink sixty that would be even better.”
“I’ll make sure she does that,” Mac said.
“I would like to see you in two weeks to see if things have gotten better. Either here or at the club. Or if you aren’t comfortable with either, you can come by my clinic.”
She shrugged her shoulders. She didn’t care right now and she didn’t want to think about it.
“I’ll talk to her about it in the morning,” Daddy said. “I won’t be at work tomorrow.”
Janie kept switching from calling him by his name to Daddy. She was exhausted and both of them felt right.
“I didn’t figure. Take care of her.”
Her eyes landed on Mac’s as he looked at her. “Ready to go home, Pinky?”
She nodded her head. “Thank you, Michael. I really appreciate it.”
“Any time and I mean it. Mac has my number and he can give it to you if you need it,” Michael responded. “You sleep in tomorrow. Get lots of rest and take it easy.”
Mac stood in front of her, but she had no energy to get up from the couch. Her whole body felt like it was one hundred pounds heavier than it should be.
“Ready?” Mac asked.
“I don’t wanna move,” she whined.
Eleanor was slowly starting to fall asleep in her arms. It looked like the medicine was starting to work or maybe she was so exhausted. Either way, Janie was happy.
“Let me put Eleanor in her car seat and I’ll come back and get you,” Mac said.
She nodded her head. She didn’t have the strength to argue right now or tell him she could do it. Because honestly, she couldn’t right now. If she could, she would sleep on this couch in this position for the rest of the night. But it wasn’t her house and she needed to leave.
“How about I take Eleanor and you take Janie,” Michael said. “One trip instead of two.”
“Thank you,” Mac said.
“Just give me a second,” Janie whispered. “I can get up.”
Mac knelt in front of her. “Pinky. Can you look at me?”
Her eyes found his and he gave her a small smile. She loved it when he smiled or laughed. It made him even more handsome than he already was.
“Thank you,” Mac said. “I’m going to go give Ellie to Michael and pick you up. I don’t want you to move. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Daddy,” she mumbled and leaned her head back. “Sorry.”
“No need to be sorry,” he said as he started to pick up Eleanor.
She whined but it quickly quieted down as Mac held her close to him. Eleanor looked like she belonged in his arms. Janie wanted that as well. She watched as Mac handed Eleanor over to Michael before turning back to her.
“Ready?” he asked and she nodded her head. “I’m going to pick you up.”
She just sat on the couch, waiting for him to pick her up and take her to the car. Mac effortlessly picked her up from the couch and she leaned her head on his chest.