Mac walked up to her and bent down, being careful not to jostle Ellie in his arms. “I think you like the idea of me tucking you into bed. Making sure that you’re all snug and comfortable.”
Her face started to get red and he knew that she was thinking about it.
“Come on,” he said. “Let’s go tuck you in. I’ll even give you a kiss on your forehead and rub your back, if you want.”
Her eyes went wide and he gave her a small smile. He couldn’t wait to do this every day with her when she went down for a nap. But right now he would just relish in the feeling and hold onto it, never letting it go.
Janie sighed and nodded her head. Mac honestly thought it was going to take more to get her to at least lay down in her bed.
“Lead the way,” Mac said.
She walked out of her office, down the hallway, and into another room. Pink. Her room was all different shades of pink. It was totally her in every way.
“Sorry,” she whispered.
“What are you sorry about?”
Janie shuffled on her feet and Mac thought it was cute. “It’s just a lot of pink.”
“It suits you. You don’t need to apologize for that. It’s your room and you can decorate it however you want.”
He saw her shoulders relax.
“Let’s get you into bed,” he said as he walked over towards her bed. “Gotta have my finger,” he gently said to Ellie as he pulled his finger out of her hold.
Ellie whined in his arms but quickly grabbed onto his shirt.
“Such a good girl,” he said.
Mac pulled back the comforter on Janie’s bed before patting it. “In you go,” he said. “Do you need to change before?”
She shook her head. Janie was wearing a baggy shirt and leggings. She slowly climbed into bed and grabbed her pink bear, Josie.
“I want you to try and sleep, but if you can’t, just lay in bed and relax,” Mac said. “I’m enlisting Josie’s help. She’ll tell me if you were a naughty girl and got out of bed.”
Janie’s eyes went wide and she held onto Josie tighter. “You can’t do that.”
“I did. Josie and I have a pact. Trying to keep you and Ellie as healthy and safe as possible.”
Mac pulled the cover over Janie and her stuffy, making sure to tuck it in on the side so she felt safe and comfortable.
“Such a good girl,” he whispered as he bent over. “My good girl.” Mac kissed her forehead.
Janie let out a sigh and closed her eyes. Mac walked over towards the door and stood there for a couple of seconds. Janie was absolutely precious and beautiful laying in her bed. He quietly walked out of the room and closed her door.
“I bet your mama is going to fall asleep,” Mac said to Ellie as he walked back towards the kitchen. “I don’t think she realized how tired she was, but Daddy knows. He can see how tired she is and is going to make sure she gets the sleep she needs.”
Ellie whined in his arms and started to rub her face in his shirt.
“I know, princess,” he gently said. “Feeling icky is no fun. But don’t worry. I’m going to take care of you and your mama. You two will be feeling better in no time.”
Mac swayed back and forth in the kitchen, trying to get Ellie to settle down in his arms. She was starting to get fussy, no doubt hungry and sleepy all at the same time. But she wouldn’t fall asleep.
“How about we get you something to drink,” Mac said. “Maybe something cold.”
He walked over to the fridge and opened it. Maybe Janie had something in the fridge already made. If not, he would just get water for Ellie.
“Look at what your mama did,” Mac said as he pulled a sippy cup out of the fridge. “She had a couple sippy cups already in there for you.”