Selwyn whistled and Mac only knew this was going to be bad. What could possibly be wrong with the car.

“You know I tell you the truth. No lying between us,” Selwyn said.

“Yeah, I know. That’s why I bring my car to you all the time and refer anyone I know to you,” Mac replied.

Selwyn was always very honest and transparent about everything. He wanted to make sure every customer knew what was wrong and how much it was going to cost.

“Is this a car you just bought recently?” Selwyn asked.

“No, it’s my girl's car.”

Selwyn growled through the phone. “You let your fucking girl have this car? I thought you were the protective type and made sure everything was okay. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Her ex-husband bought this car for her. I’m just now making my intentions known. How bad is it?” He could hear Selwyn breathing heavily through the phone.

“Shit. Sorry. Even though the car is newer, there are several bloody things wrong with it,” Selwyn said. “So many things that should have been taken care of but haven’t been. You said her ex-husband got it and also made sure it was regularly inspected?”

Mac sighed and started to rub his neck. This was what he was afraid of. Her ex-husband probably didn’t do shit to her car and made her think he did. That fucking bastard.

“I have no clue, but from what she was saying he took care of that stuff,” Mac said. “How long is it going to take to fix all of that? How much is it going to cost?”

He hadn’t called Janie yet to tell her about the car because he didn’t have anything to give her yet. Hopefully she would call him if she needed to go anywhere. He had told her several times to call him.

“It’s gonna be really expensive. It may take me a week or two to figure out everything that’s wrong with it. Then see if I have the parts and make it okay to drive,” Selwyn said.

“Once you figure out everything, call me with the details and what the cost is going to be. Can you make sure it’s safe for her to drive? She has a kid and I want it as safe as possible for both of them,” Mac said.

“I can do that. I’m going to say right now that just from the things we’ve already found, it will be more than a grand.”

Mac closed his eyes. Why did her husband do that? Mac knew it was Donald. From what Janie had told him, he didn’t really like her and did the bare minimum, even if he did that.

“That’s okay. Just let me know when you find out the solid amount. But either way, I’m going to pay for it,” Mac said. “Just please make it safe.”

Leo walked into his office as he said that.

“I will and I’ll start on it as soon as possible,” Selwyn said. “I’ll be in contact.”

Mac put the phone down and sat up straight.

“What can I help you with?” he asked.

Leo sat down in front of his desk. “Heard you were in the office and wanted to see it with my own eyes. Honestly, I thought you would have stayed home today as well. Even put a bet on it. Sadly, Oliver won the twenty bucks.”

Mac scowled at him. “I told you guys I was coming in today. I don’t back down on my promises.”

Leo shook his head.

“Do you need anything else or are you just going to sit there and look at me like a creep?” Mac asked.

“What are you trying to make safe?” Leo asked.

Mac crossed his arms. Leo wasn’t going to let this go until he found the answer he wanted.

“Why don’t we just call everyone in here so I can tell you guys all at once?” he asked.

“Nah. I’m going to find enjoyment with people asking you every chance they get. I don’t want to spoil the fun. So, what are you trying to make safe?”

“Janie’s car.”