"Hug it out," Mac said. "Hugs make things better."

Janie hesitated for a second. Would Charlotte want to give her a hug after she pulled her hair?

Mac pushed her back a little with his hand and she took a step forward.

Charlotte wrapped her arms around Janie. "I really am sorry. I shouldn't have kept the pink crayon from you. I wasn't using it," Charlotte whispered.

"No worries. And I'm really sorry about pulling your hair. It wasn't right," Janie said.

They let go of each other and Janie looked back at Mac.

"Do you want to go back to the group and color a bit longer?" Mac asked.

Janie shook her head. She needed to get back to her daughter. "I need to go relieve the babysitter," Janie gently said before turning to Charlotte. "I'll see you later?"

"Yeah," Charlotte replied. "Text me when you want to meet up."

"I'll drive you home," Mac said.

"You don't need to," Janie said.

She didn't want him to drive her home, even if he was her neighbor. Janie was feeling vulnerable right now and she knew that being near him would only make it worse. His Daddy side called out to her and made her want to be vulnerable around him.

"Come on," Mac said. "I know you didn't drive here. I don't want you taking an uber when I'm going to the same place."

Janie opened her mouth, but he held his finger up against it.

"No buts. I'm driving you home and making sure you get home safely," Mac said. He placed his hand on her lower back and led her towards the front of the club. "Do you need to grab anything before we leave?" he asked.

"My jacket. It has everything in it," Janie replied. They walked up to the front of the club and stopped at the reception desk.

"Can I have Janie's jacket?" Mac asked.

The lady walked into the small room to grab her jacket. She came back and held it out to Janie.

"Thank you," Janie said.

Mac helped her get her jacket on and held her hand. "Are you ready to go?" Mac asked.


They walked out of the club and towards his car. She was nervous about getting into the car. Was she going to break down in front of him or was she going to keep her cool? Everything in her hoped that she kept her cool and didn't break down in front of him.

"If you need to turn the heat on or make it colder, you can do it," Mac said as they pulled out of the parking lot. The car was actually really comfortable temperature wise. It was like he knew what she liked.

It didn't take long to get to her house. "Thank you for dropping me off," Janie said as she got out of the car.

"Next time, wait for me?" Mac said. "I open the door and pay for things when you're with me."

Her eyes casted down. "Sorry."

"No worries. Just remember for next time."

Janie looked at him and gave him a weak smile.

"I'll see you soon. If you need anything, you can come over or text me," Mac said. "I'll wait until you get into the house."
