“Have you been watching horror movies?” Mac asked.
She looked at him guiltily. She didn’t particularly like horror movies. She had been watching someone and an ad came up. It didn’t look bad and she hadn’t done any research.
Big mistake.
One of the first few scenes was someone sticking their hand down there and it getting ground up. It scared her so bad that she had slammed her computer screen shut and didn’t open it for two days.
“I didn’t mean to. The trailer didn’t look that scary when it came up. It looked interesting so I thought why not give it a try,” she said.
“Janie,” he said.
“After I saw that scene, I closed my computer and didn’t open it for two days. I never want to watch a horror movie ever again. I’ll be doing my research next time.” But some of the damage was already done. She had nightmares after she watched that for weeks. Seeing it all play out again and again in her head. It was a miracle that she was even able to look at her sink and use it. But when it didn’t work that one time, she hadn’t even considered sticking her hand down there.
“No horror movies. If you’re unsure about a movie and don’t want to do research in case you see something, let me know,” Mac said. “I’ll look and tell you if it’s okay or not.”
She nodded her head. That was one thing she could probably do. She loved watching movies.
“Are you ready to go get ice cream?” he asked. She nodded her head and it was like Maria, their waitress, knew they were done.
“Are you guys all finished?” she asked.
“We are,” Mac replied. “Can I have the check please?”
“Give me one minute and I’ll have it for you.” Maria took the plates from their table and walked away.
“Can I at least pay for the tip?” Janie asked. She felt bad that he was paying for everything. What if he needed that money down the road? What was he going to do?
“Nope,” he replied. “When you’re with me, I open your door, pay for the food. That includes giving tips. I don’t want you to have to worry about that stuff when you’re with me.”
Janie’s heart melted a little bit. He was being so nice to her, but she couldn’t help but worry.
“Don’t worry about it,” Mac said. “I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t want to. I want to open your door and pay for your things. If I had it my way, I would pay for everything, even if you weren’t with me.”
She opened her mouth, ready to argue with him but he placed his finger over her lips.
“But I’m not going to. Yet. I’ve got to take things slow with you. Show you that I’m not going anywhere. So for now, I open your doors and pay for things when you’re with me. End of discussion,” he said.
Maria came back with the check and Mac quickly put money in and handed it back.
“You can keep the change and I added a tip,” Mac said. “Thank you for serving us.”
“You’re welcome! Please do come back again,” Maria said before walking off.
Mac turned towards Janie and cupped her face with his hands. She leaned into his right hand and closed her eyes. She absolutely loved it when he did this. It made her feel so warm and taken care of.
“Are you ready to go get some ice cream?” he gently asked. “It’s just right next door to this place.”
Janie looked at him. “That’s dangerous.”
He chuckled. “It is, but it’s worth it. I come at least once or twice a week, recently, and always get ice cream after.”
“Sure,” she replied. “Ice cream sounds nice.”
Mac got out of the booth first and helped her get out.
“Thank you,” she said.
Mac didn’t let go of her hand as he walked out of the burger joint and towards the ice cream place. It didn’t go unnoticed that he made sure he put himself on the roadside of the sidewalk.