It had been that way for several years now. She had moved into the house with her husband at the time. He wasn't there when she moved in, but two years later and he was. Janie didn't know how she had missed him. He was the owner of the club she had gone to since she was of legal age.
And yet they had missed each other at the club.
Mac had seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. He saw them fighting in the lawn when Janie found her husband cheating.
It wasn't pretty.
And now she couldn't escape him. It was like he was tied to her somehow. Any time she was at the club, he was out on the main floor, watching her. When she walked out of the house he was there.
He was everywhere. She wanted him to be her Daddy. She wanted him to be everything. But there were so many things stopping her.
Janie had a child. A two-year-old who was her world. She also had a lot of baggage. No man wanted a woman who had a child from another man and baggage. It was unheard of.
Janie also had no clue if he wanted her. Even if he did, she had to think about Eleanor first. Janie was trying to protect her. She didn't want her to get attached to someone only for them to leave. It was heart break and she had felt that in her life. Eleanor was only two and she needed to be shielded from that for a little while longer.
"You can turn around now," Mac said.
Janie turned around so fast that she got dizzy and felt herself tipping to the right side.
"Whoah," Mac said as he held onto her. "Are you okay?"
"Yes," she quietly said. Janie blinked several times and looked at Mac.
"Now, do you need a spanking or do you understand what you did was wrong?" Mac asked.
She nodded her head and looked down at her feet. Janie knew what she did was wrong. There was no doubt about it. Emotions ran through Janie as she thought about everything. Life had been hard and she hadn't really had time to process it all. She wasn't blaming her outburst on everything else but she knew it contributed to it.
All Janie wanted to do was cry but she couldn't. Not in front of Mac and definitely not in front of her daughter. She was getting to the age that she was starting to understand things.
Eleanor didn't need to see that.
"Can you tell me what you did wrong?" Mac asked.
"I," Janie took a deep breath in. "I pu-pulled Charlotte's hair and y-yelled at h-her."
Janie was trying so hard not to cry in front of Mac. Her eyes were already starting to water.
He gently touched her shoulder, like he knew she was close to crying, and gave it a gentle squeeze. Janie closed her eyes tightly, trying to stop herself from crying.
When was the last time a man had touched her so gently? With care and love? Janie didn't know if Mac loved her, but she knew he cared and she could feel it through his touch.
"You're okay," Mac said. "Take a couple deep breaths in."
She took several in but continued to look down at her feet. Who knows how red or watery her eyes were right now. She didn't want him asking if she was okay and her bursting into tears.
"Now," Mac said. "Let's go apologize to Charlotte."
She nodded her head and Mac grabbed her hand. They walked over towards where Charlotte and Finn were standing. Charlotte looked like she had been crying.
"Janie," Finn said.
"I'm sorry for keeping the pink crayon from you. I wasn't using it and I should have let you have it," Charlotte said.
"I'm sorry for pulling your hair and yelling at you," Janie said. She was gripping onto Mac's hand. Finn had always kind of scared her. She knew he was nice, but she wasn't fully sure about him yet. "Will you forgive me?" Janie asked.
"Yeah," Charlotte whispered. "Will you forgive me?"