Monroe whimpered. She didn’t like the thought of him coming to her house. Not that it mattered much because he already knew where she lived.

“I think we should go and see what he wants,” Daddy said.

“We’ll have people in and out of the ice cream place watching you guys in case anything happens. Don’t worry, you’ll be protected,” Ezra said. “He wants to meet in five hours.”

“At eleven in the morning. An ice cream at eleven?” Daddy said. “If he knows I’m her Daddy, why did he pick eleven in the morning?”

Ezra shrugged and grinned. “Not my problem. You either go to the ice cream shop at eleven or he comes here whenever he wants.”

Daddy sighed and held her tighter against him.

“Let's get you down for a nap before we go,” he said.

She didn’t argue because she was exhausted.

* * *

“Are you ready for this?”Daddy asked.

Monroe knew she wasn’t ready for this. Who was ever ready to meet someone who killed a person and knew everything about them? She didn’t think anyone would be ready for something like this.

Squeezing her Daddy’s hand, they walked into the ice cream shop and sat down in the back. Miles had texted her again this morning, telling them to pick the booth in the back.

“Do you want any ice cream?” Daddy asked.

She thought about it for a second. Monroe loved ice cream but didn’t know if she could stomach it right now. Nerves bubbled inside her, twisting and turning as every second went by.

“No, thank you,” she replied. “Maybe after?”

“We can get it after,” he replied.

Monroe looked around, trying to figure out who this Miles person could be. Was he already in the ice cream shop? She knew there were a couple of guys in here that were looking out for them while they met up.

“W-who do you think it could be?” she whispered, looking up at her Daddy.

“I don’t know, Bunny,” he responded. “I don’t think he plans to surprise us but he could. There wasn’t a picture of him on the internet.”

Letting out a shaky breath, she leaned into her Daddy and they waited. Monroe didn’t have a patient bone in her body and it was showing.

“Can we go?” she asked but before her Daddy could say anything, someone sat down at their table.

Her eyes went wide as she looked at the man sitting in front of them. He was wearing a navy blue baseball cap, a hoodie, and jeans. He looked like an ordinary person but the way he spoke told her he wasn’t. That, and the fact he’d killed Jared…

Miles kept staring at her with a fond look on his face. It was like he was looking at something he’d lost several years ago but that wouldn’t make sense. Monroe didn’t know this person at all. She knew she’d never seen him before, but there was something similar about his eyes. How did he know her?

“I’m glad you’re okay and safe now. I’m sorry you got into a wreck. I tried to get there before anything happened, but I was a bit late,” he finally spoke. “You don’t have to worry about any of Jared’s superiors coming after you or anyone else. I promise.”

Monroe’s mouth hung open. Did he kill all of them? She didn’t know how many people knew and were okay with what Jared did, but it had to be a lot. He talked several times about his boss and their boss. It was like his whole department was bad.

“How can we trust you?” Daddy asked.

“Who are you?” she asked. “How do you know me?”

Miles looked up and gave her a small smile.

“You can trust me. I don’t break my promises and don’t say things I don’t mean,” Miles responded, completely ignoring Monroe’s question.

She huffed and crossed her arms. She didn’t like to be ignored.