"No sad, only happy," he said.
Monroe snuggled into his embrace and he tightened his hold on her. Perfect time to give her a bottle and settle her down for a nap.
"Sleepy time," he whispered. "I'll give you a bottle, diaper you up, and then sleepy time."
She whined, but a soft pat to her bottom settled her down. Michael picked up the bottle on the table he had grabbed earlier and maneuvered Monroe so her head was laying on his arm.
"Bevvy?" she asked. "Choco bevy?"
"Such a good Little Bunny for Daddy," he whispered as he placed the nipple into her mouth.
She instantly started to suckle and drink down the chocolate protein shake he had put in there. He didn't realize how much she loved those things until he saw how quickly she had gone through her bottle last night. He was so glad she liked them because it was a good way for her to get her extra protein in throughout the day.
"Good Bunny," he said as she finished off the drink.
Michael gently stood up with her in his arms and walked down to the nursery. Placing her down on the changing table, he fastened the belt around her midsection and pulled down her pants and underwear before he cleaned her, put powder on her, and placed a diaper on her.
Monroe pulled her arms over her face to cover herself. He had put her in a diaper before they went to the club earlier today and she was so embarrassed. He reassured her she had nothing to be embarrassed about, but he knew it was her first time. Over time, it would come to feel more natural.
"You know Daddy loves taking care of you," he gently said to her. "That even means changing your diaper and washing you when you need a bath."
She groaned at his words and he couldn't help but smile. Such a shy Little Bunny. Picking her up, he walked over to the crib, gently rocking her as he went.
"Awms, Daddy," she whispered as he tried to place her down in the crib.
"I'll hold you until you fall asleep. Then I'll put you in the crib," he softly said.
"Why, Daddy?"
"Daddy has to do some things around the house. I'll be here when you wake up."
Michael walked over to the rocking chair and held her close as they rocked. He watched Monroe fight falling asleep but eventually she succumbed. She looked so precious and peaceful sleeping in his arms. Everything in him wanted to help her be peaceful and relaxed when she was awake, and it was one of his goals.
She had clearly gone through a lot even if she hadn’t gone into details when she’d told him her story. The way her skin went pale, almost like she was reliving everything that had happened in the past six years, made him realize it was bad. Very bad.
Getting up from the rocking chair, he walked over and placed her in the crib. He wondered if having the bars surrounding her would make her feel more secure and safe or if it would have the opposite effect. He would just have to make sure he was there when she woke up. He didn't want her waking up in a panic and him not being there.
It felt like he’d known Monroe for years when in reality, it had only been a week. A very long week in a way but also a short week. Michael couldn't believe she had really asked him to be her Daddy while she recuperated from her injuries.
He’d wanted to tell her no because he didn't know if he would be able to let her go once she was well again, but he knew he would if she really wanted to. Michael wanted her happy and if it wasn't with him, he would help her find that happiness somewhere else.
He just hoped it would be with him. He was trying everything in his power to make her want to stay with him forever and be his baby girl, his Little Bunny.
"I really need to go clean," he whispered to himself, trying to get himself to leave her while she napped.
Shaking his head, he grabbed the rocking chair and brought it closer to her crib, sitting down. What if she had a nightmare and needed him? Yeah, no way he was leaving now. He could clean later.
Michael relaxed in the chair and watched over her as she napped.
Monroe had woken up this morning and felt ‘off’. She had kept it to herself for most of the morning, but started to act out a little when Daddy walked into his home office.
While she was eating breakfast, he had asked her if she was alright and she’d lied. Great way to start off the day by breaking one of the rules...not. But it was also exhilarating. Knowing she had broken one of the rules and hadn’t got caught or beaten was amazing.
Well, it was only a little amazing but the guilt inside of her was starting to eat her up. She pushed the thoughts about guilt down and focused on what she was doing.