“No,” she mumbled.
She couldn't think of anything right now. All she wanted to do was be in her Daddy’s embrace and be left alone.
“All right. I'm going to take out your IV and give Michael your discharge papers. After you sign those, you're all good to go home. If any of your symptoms get worse, please come back,” he explained.
“Thank you so much, Mike,” Daddy said.
“Just remember you're going to be sore for a couple of days. That's to be expected since your body was jostled in the car wreck. I want you to be drinking a ton and eating healthy but I'm not too worried about that because I know Michael justlovesthat subject.” She heard her Daddy snort.
She knew the doctor wasn't lying about that. Daddy loved nutrition and that was perfectly fine with her. She didn't have a lick of understanding about that, and it was nice that he did and took care of it all.
Monroe pulled away slightly so the doctor could take her IV out of her arm. She hadn't even felt it in her arm and was kind of thankful. She wasn't afraid of needles but the feeling of it in her arm while she moved made her sick to her stomach.
“You should come over for dinner sometime and we can catch up. Or we could go out for a beer,” Daddy said.
“I won’t say no to a free dinner. Just tell me when and I’ll let you know if it works for me or not,” Dr. Smith replied. “I’ll be looking forward to it. Oh, congratulations, you two. I heard the great news,” the doctor said as he walked out the door.
She looked at her Daddy with a confused face. Why was he saying congratulations to them?
“What did he mean, Daddy?” she asked.
“I told the paramedics when I first got onto the scene that you were my fiancée. It was the only way they were going to allow me to ride with you but also be in your room as well,” he explained.
Monroe stared at him in shock. She never thought somebody would do that for her if she ever landed herself in the hospital. He didn't want her to be alone and it made her realize just how much he cared for her.
It felt like forever before he was finally done going through all the paperwork, getting her ready to go home, and into the car. She didn't do much at all and for once, she was okay with that. She felt like crap, and he had told her several times he was going to take care of her and she wasn't going to do a thing.
Sounded like heaven at this point.
“Bunny, I want to let you know before we go that you don't have to worry about Jared anymore,” he said. “When we arrived, Jared was dead in the car.”
A sigh of relief filtered through her. She didn't have to worry anymore about him coming after her and that made her happy. While it was sad he was dead because he was a human being, it also wasn't because he was such a bad person.
In the middle of the drive home, she let out a little gasp.
“What happened to Ezra?” she asked.
She didn't know why she hadn't remembered him when Daddy was telling her about the car wreck, but it just dawned on her that he was there with her. Was he all right?
“Ezra is fine. He had a couple cuts on his face and arm but besides that, he's okay. He is back at the house resting,” Daddy explained as he pulled down the street to his house.
She still didn't feel good about what he said. Was he truly fine or was Daddy just telling her that so she didn't worry about it?
Once they got to the house, Daddy helped her out of the car and into the house. Immediately, she saw Ezra sitting on the couch with a bandage on his arm and a couple on his face.
Her hands flew to her mouth as she tried to muffle her cry. He was alive.
“Little girl. It's good to see you're okay. I'm fine,” Ezra said. “Just a little sore but nothing is serious.”
She just continued to stare at him, not knowing what to do or say. So many emotions had been going through her. It was all her fault he had gotten hurt. Jared was after her and he was the one that was driving. He shouldn't have gotten hurt.
“I'm so sorry,” she cried out. “You shouldn't have gotten hurt.”
“I knew what I signed up for when I came here. I was there to protect you,” he replied.
She went to shake her head but Daddy quickly grabbed her head and held it still.
“Remember, don't shake your head. You don't want to make your headache worse,” he reminded her.