She was trying so hard to not freak out but she was starting to. Everything in her wanted to start hyperventilating but she realized she was being grounded by the feel of Daddy's hands running through her hair.

“It might be the concussion that is making you not remember, or it could be that you're still in shock and your body is trying to protect itself,” he explained. “I've seen it several times when I was working in the emergency room. The doctor said that it's a possibility you won't remember some things but you will start to remember things as you relax and feel safe.”

“When can I go home?” she asked, her voice breaking.

Monroe didn't like hospitals at all. She had only been a couple of times when she lived with Jared and those were some of her worst memories. He had doctor friends and whenever he would break a bone or make a deep cut into her skin, he would either take her to the hospital or his friends would come to the house.

“Shhh,” Michael softly said. “You're okay. The doctor wants to keep you for a little while to see if any of your symptoms get worse.”

Tears of frustration filled her eyes. She didn't understand why she had to stay here when her Daddy was a doctor. He could take care of her at home like he had before. Unless there was something else he wasn't telling her and that's why she couldn't leave.

“Nothing else is wrong. He just wanted to see if you would wake up and if any of your symptoms had gotten worse. You're okay,” he said. “You don't have any broken bones. You have a lot of bruises and you're going to be sore for a while but you're okay.”

Monroe didn't feel okay. She felt like her emotions were everywhere but at the same time, she felt numb. It made no sense but that's exactly how she was feeling.

Tears ran down her face as she started to get overwhelmed. Everything was just getting to be too much, and she didn't know what to do besides cry.

“It's okay to cry. You're okay,” Daddy said. “Getting overwhelmed?”

A whimper escaped through her lips when he nailed it right on the head. So much had happened in the past several days and she hadn't had a lot of time to process it all. When she finally was ready to, she had gotten into a car crash she didn't remember.

“Do you want Daddy to hold you?” he asked.

Monroe held out her arms immediately. Being held by her Daddy always made things better, or at least she thought it did. Just his calming presence and the pressure he created as he held her was grounding and made her feel safe and secure.

“We have to be careful since you have an IV in your arm, but I don't see why I can't hold you. Let's carefully sit you up and then I'll place you on my lap,” he explained. “Let Daddy do all the work.”

And that's exactly what she did. She let her Daddy do all the work in helping her sit up and then placing her on his lap.

Immediately, she felt herself calm down even more when he wrapped his arms around her. She felt safe and she could stay in this position for a while. It was one of her favorites. That and him feeding her a bottle before she went to take a nap. It didn't happen often but when it did, it made her feel extra special.

“Such a good Little Bunny,” he praised her. “You're doing so well.”

A knock sounded on the door and Daddy told the person to come in. She didn't move her head from his chest, trusting him to take care of her. He knew what was best for her and right now, she wasn't going to argue with anything.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Mike Smith…” His eyebrows shot up. “Michael Grayson? I haven’t seen you in years! How are you doing?”

Michael reached out and the two men shook hands.

“And this is my patient. She seems to know you,” Dr. Smith smirked at Michael.

“Jackass,” Michael said mildly.

Monroe’s eyes went wide as she looked up at her Daddy. She hadn’t heard him curse much since she had been with him.

“Yes. This is my girlfriend, Monroe Johnson. She just woke up a few minutes ago and needed some comfort,” Daddy explained.

“That's perfectly fine. We worked together for several years, Monroe, so I trust he has your best interests in mind. Now, how do you feel?”

The room fell silent and she realized the doctor was waiting for her to speak. All she wanted was for her Daddy to tell him how she felt but she quickly realized she hadn't actually told him anything.

“Bunny, you're going to have to tell the doctor how you feel,” Daddy said. “No lying.”

Monroe turned her head so she was looking at the doctor and he gave her a smile. He was older and had a belly but he looked nice.

“Tired, a little dizzy, overwhelmed, my head hurts,” she listed off.

“All those symptoms are normal right now. You do have a little concussion so it's going to make you tired, dizzy, and make your head hurt. I'm not going to go over how to treat it because I know Michael's going to take good care of you, and he also told us you had a concussion when you two first met and he took care of you,” the doctor said. “Is there anything else?”