Michael and Jaxson stepped to the side to let the paramedics assess everything before the fire department got there.

The main paramedic came over to them. “Do you know these people?”

“The female is my fiancée,” Michael said.

He understood he lied, but he knew if he had just said boyfriend, they weren't going to let him ride in the ambulance or let him back in the room when they arrived at the hospital.

“The male is her bodyguard,” Jaxson said. “We both know them.”

“Can you tell me what happened?” the paramedic asked.

Michael told him the bare minimum, that somebody was after Monroe and they hired Ezra to keep her safe while Michael wasn't there with her. The paramedic looked at them weirdly but when they mentioned Jared's full name, the guy nodded his head almost like he agreed with what they did.

“Jared's dead,” Jaxson said out loud to all three of them.

Shock was written all over his face as he stared at Jaxson. Jared was dead? How was that possible?

“Bullet to his temple,” Jaxson whispered to Michael. “Looks professional. Not sloppy at all.”

There was another person involved? How were they going to ever find this person when they didn't even know who he or she was?

“I'm assuming you want to ride with us when we get her into the ambulance?” the paramedic said right as the fire truck pulled up.

“Please,” he said.

“When we roll her in, you follow the paramedic into the ambulance. You know to stay out of her way in case something happens on the drive. I just need to reiterate it. Now, I need to go and help assess.”

Before he could respond, the paramedic had already left. Michael turned toward Jaxson.

“Who do you think it could be? Who do you think would want Jared dead?” Michael asked as he watched them carefully pull Monroe out of the car.

All he wanted to do was run over and assess her, but he knew that wasn’t a good idea, either. He could possibly miss something since he was in an emotional state. He wasn’t thinking clearly and that could greatly affect his ability to check her over.

“I don’t know, man. A lot of people could have wanted him dead and maybe they found this the best opportunity. It could have been anyone,” Jaxson responded.

Michael bit his knuckle as the paramedics started to check over Monroe. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw them pull Ezra out of the car and onto the stretcher.

“They’re going to be okay. The car doesn’t look absolutely horrible so I think they’re going to be okay,” Jaxson said.

“Monroe was almost done healing from everything Jared had inflicted upon her. It’s like he knew she was almost done healing and decided to hurt her so she had to heal all over again,” Michael mumbled.

“And she’s going to have you there with her again, taking care of her.”

Michael knew he was right. He was going to take care of her and make sure she healed up nicely. She was going to get so sick and tired of him fussing over her, but she was going to have to get used to it.

“She’s never leaving my sight again,” he said.

Jaxson chuckled. “Oh, I believe it.”

The paramedic waved his hand at Michael.

“Go, I’ll wait for the police. I’ll find you when I get done,” Jaxson said.


Michael jogged over to the ambulance and got in. Everything was going to be alright.