“I’ll drive, you find out where she is,” Jaxson replied, grabbing his keys and getting in the car.
Michael didn’t care. He just got in. His one focus was getting to Monroe as soon as he could and arguing on who would drive was stupid.
“They’re on East Farm Road 116 by the Tranquil Oaks Ranch,” Michael told Jaxson.
Their location wasn’t far from the club. Nerves ran through Michael. He was worried sick that she might not be there when he finally got to her. Was Jared there? Had he taken her?
He had heard footsteps come closer to Monroe, faint footsteps through the phone, but they were there just before the call ended. Was Jared going to kill her on the spot? Did he hire someone to kill her?
“She might be gone when we get there. I heard footsteps coming toward her,” Michael said.
“Don’t you dare think that way,” Jaxson snapped at him. “She’s going to be there!”
“What if she’s not? Ezra said Jared has done this before and the girl ended up dead before the police could ask her questions.”
“We’ll obviously go after her, then. And if he already has her, then we’re going to find them before he harms her.”
Michael didn’t feel good about this, but Jaxson was right. She was going to be there. Once she was safely back in his arms, he was never letting her out of his sight. He would find a way to have her with him when he had meetings.
When they got to the road, Michael couldn’t help but stare at the car that was on its roof. Shit. That was the car Ezra had rented while he was here.
“You check to see if she’s there. I’ll look at the other car,” Jaxson said. “Be careful. We don’t know if Jared or the guy he hired is still here.”
Right. This could be a very dangerous situation and he needed to be mindful of that. He hoped they weren’t here and Monroe was in the car with Ezra.
Getting out of the car, he carefully made his way toward the flipped car, being mindful of his surroundings. Jaxson had pulled a gun out as he walked toward the other car.
He bent down by the passenger side and looked inside. Monroe was hanging with her arms dangling, unconscious. Worry filled him as he looked her over, careful not to move her in case she had a severe injury. He didn't want to make anything worse and knew she could have an internal injury.
Blood trickled down her face in several spots. He so badly wanted to clean her face and find out where the blood was coming from but despite his anguish, his medical training came to the forefront and he refrained from moving her without having a neck brace and body board.
The blood wasn't coming out fast, so he knew that it wasn't serious, yet. He eyed the other parts of her body, trying to see things without moving her.
He gently placed his hand on her neck, trying to find a pulse. It took him a couple of seconds because he was trying not to move her neck, but he finally found it and let the air out of his lungs. She was alive.
Getting up from where he was, he quickly made his way over to the other side to check on Ezra. He had briefly seen him as he looked at Monroe, but he wanted to get a closer look.
He would feel bad if anything happened to Ezra. While Ezra knew what he was getting himself into and knew he could die because Jared was powerful and had killed several people already, it still didn't matter. He would feel guilty no matter what because Ezra was protecting his girl.
Ezra had a few cuts on his face and his arm was bleeding. It didn't look like a lot of blood, and it looked like it had already started to coagulate. Which was an amazing sign.
Michael gently felt his pulse and found a strong heartbeat. Another flash of relief filled him. They were both okay for now. All he needed to do was call an ambulance and let the paramedics safely get them out of the car with their equipment.
If they had needed anything lifesaving, Michael would have done it, but they didn't and he didn't want to possibly make anything worse. He had seen people come through the hospital when he worked there that had been moved after a car wreck and some of them could never walk again or had died because something had shifted and he didn't want that to happen.
“I called an ambulance and they should be coming down the road right now,” Jaxson said as Michael stood up from the car.
He hadn’t even noticed the loud blaring noise of the ambulance getting closer. He had blocked everything out as he tried to assess Ezra and Monroe's injuries. Michael knew that was dangerous in this situation because he didn't know if anyone else was nearby. Someone could have easily come up behind him and killed him.
“Do they look okay?” Jaxson asked.
“Yeah. They're bleeding some but it's slow enough I'm not too concerned, but there could be something I can't see. I didn't want to move them since that could make things worse,” he replied.
The ambulance stopped right in front of Ezra's car and several people got out.
“I'm a doctor. I didn't move them because I didn't want to cause any more damage. Both have cuts on their faces that are bleeding, but not fast enough to be worrying. The male, Ezra, is bleeding from the left arm but it looks to be slowing,” Michael said to what looked like the lead person.
“Thank you,” the paramedic said. “We're waiting on the fire department to get here. They have the equipment to cut the car and everything. They were a couple of seconds behind us so they should be here any minute.”