He helped her sit back down on the couch and handed her Bunster. She immediately snuggled up to her stuffed bunny. She tried to take in some deep breaths to calm herself down, but she didn't know if that worked. There was too much going on in her mind, and she didn’t know if she could fix it by herself.

“I'm going to go get us some chicken noodle soup and your shake. You stay here and just relax,” Ezra told her. “While I’m in there, I’m going to make a phone call and let them know he was your ex-boyfriend.”

She honestly didn't know if she could eat any of the chicken noodle soup. Her stomach was in knots at the thought of Jared watching her, but she was going to try and eat. She knew Ezra wasn't going to let her get by with eating nothing.

Daddy had told her while Ezra was here and Daddy wasn't, Ezra would be watching her diet. No doubt Ezra was also worried she wasn't eating enough. A lot of Daddies tended to worry about Littles, even if they weren't their own.

It was heartwarming but at the same time, it could also be terrifying. Some people hadn’t ever had someone fuss over them, Monroe included. It was weird and could get overwhelming very fast.

“Here you are,” he said as he passed her a bowl. “I expect all of it to be gone.”

She looked at the bowl and let out a groan. It was huge and she had no clue how she was going to eat all of it.

“It’s mostly broth with some noodles and chicken chunks,” he said. “After that, I'll let it settle for a little bit and then you’ll need to drink a protein shake.”

Time passed and Monroe finished her soup and protein shake. She didn’t know what time it was or when Daddy was coming back, but she knew her hands were still shaking and no matter what she did, they continued to shake.

The door opened and a small scream escaped her mouth as a man walked through. Scampering across the couch, she dashed toward the corner of the room and stared out with wide eyes.

“Bunny?” she heard.

Her heart racing, she blinked several times and really looked at the person. Her mind had been on overdrive ever since she got the text, worried that Jared could come through those doors at any second.

The person slowly walked toward her and continued to talk.

“Little Bunny,” the person said. “It's me, Daddy. You're okay.”

When she heard those words, she dashed across the room and flung herself at him. She had been so on edge the whole day that when her Daddy walked through the door, she didn't even recognize him. She had been imagining Jared all day and was prepared.

“It's okay,” he said. “I've got you. No one's going to hurt you.”

She cried in his arms and he held her tighter. She never wanted to be let go. Monroe felt her Daddy move and she latched on tighter, afraid he was going to set her down and leave again.

“I'm not leaving you. I'm right here,” he murmured in her ear.

He continued to say sweet and calming things in her ear and she slowly felt herself starting to calm down. She didn't know where he was taking her but it didn't matter right now. She trusted him and he was going to take care of her.

“Sorry about that,” she mumbled.

She felt bad for screaming and running when he came through the door. Monroe hadn’t been expecting him home at that moment because she had lost track of time.

Daddy just set her down on the ground and gave her a squeeze.

“Ezra, can you tell me what the hell happened while I was gone?” Daddy asked.



Arush of emotions had passed through Michael’s head as he had walked through the doorway and Monroe had screamed. What could have happened while he was gone? He had texted her after he ate lunch and right before he left but she hadn’t responded.

He first thought maybe she had fallen asleep after lunch or was playing with her toys and didn't have her phone with her. He was okay with that because they were good reasons but now, he didn't think that was the reason at all.

Something had happened and he needed to know.

“I need answers,” he said. “My girl is shaking in my arms and I don't know what went on while I was gone.”

“She got another threatening text and it spooked her,” Ezra said.