“We should totally do this again and maybe next time, we can have a tea party or play with our stuffies. Do you like stuffies?” she asked, surprising herself with the question.
It was so unlike her to ask a question like that, but she loved the idea of hanging out with Charlotte again. Maybe next time, she would be more comfortable playing with her.
“I would love to do this again. We could do both at the same time. I love having tea parties with my stuffies, but it would make it even better if you got to be here with your stuffies,” Charlotte exclaimed. “Or we could go to the club and play there! I could introduce you to some of the other Littles! They are all super-duper nice!”
Monroe couldn't help but let out a little squeal of excitement. She’d just made her first friend and she wanted to hang out again.
“We'll have to ask Daddy if it's okay and when but I'm totally down for it,” Charlotte said.
Before she could reply, her Daddy walked through the door and she smiled great big at him. She couldn't contain the excitement that was flowing through her body at this point. She had made her first friend, who was also a Little, and she wanted to have a playdate. Life was great.
“It's time to go, Little Bunny,” he said.
“Your Daddy gives you a nickname, too?” Charlotte said. “My Daddy calls me a Little Cupcake. That’s so cool!”
“Come on, Bunny,” Daddy said. “It's almost your bedtime.”
Monroe's shoulders sagged but she got up from the floor and nodded her head. She definitely didn't want to leave but she was starting to get a little tired, even if she didn't want to admit it.
“Wait! Huggies first!” Charlotte got up from the ground and wrapped her arms around Monroe.
Hugging back, they let go and she grabbed her Daddy’s hand.
“Say thank you,” Daddy reminded her as they walked past Finn.
“Thank you for inviting me over,” she whispered, feeling shy.
“You’re welcome! Drive home safe,” he replied.
They walked outside and got into Daddy’s car before they started to make their way home.
“Was it fun?” Daddy asked.
“So much fun! I loved every second of it!” she explained. “Charlotte and I were thinking about having a playdate soon! A tea party with our stuffies or we thought about going to the club so I could meet some of the other Littles she's friends with.”
Monroe giggled and grabbed Daddy’s hand.
“Well, if it’s okay with you. Could I, Daddy?”
“I’ll have to talk to Finn and see what date is best for him, but I’ll try and make it happen,” he replied.
“Thank you, Daddy,” she whispered.
“I’m glad you had a lot of fun, Bunny. I’m glad you could make a friend.”
“Me, too.”
It had been a quiet morning as they waited for the bodyguard to come to his house. Michael was currently making pancakes for Monroe as they waited. He had found out she loved pancakes, especially with any type of toppings.
“Do you want blueberries or chocolate chips this morning in your pancakes?” he asked.
“They’re called roundy-yums!” she exclaimed.
“Sorry. Do you want chocolate chips or blueberries in your roundy-yums?”