Monroe needed to get away and contact Jared so she could lead him away from her Daddy and Jaxson. She needed to keep them safe and the only way to do that was to run away before Jared got here and hurt them.
“Settle down,” Daddy said.
She didn’t, though. How could she when this person she cared for a lot was planning to go and do something that could result in him getting thrown in jail or killed.
“Please,” she begged. “You can’t do this. It’s suicide.”
“No and that’s final. You’re staying here and not leaving. I won’t let you,” he said. “If I have to tie you to the bed, I will.”
She slumped against him, taking several deep breaths. Maybe later she could sneak out and go back to Jared or run to a different city. She just knew she couldn’t stay here and put all of them at risk.
Daddy had been so amazing and nice to her, taking her in and taking care of her when he didn’t have to. It would break her heart to leave but she wanted to keep him safe.
“I know a group of people, ex-military, who live in South Dakota, and own a company that helps protect people. They mostly do high end jobs like singers, actors, and governors, but the owner owes me a favor and I can cash it in,” Jaxson said.
“I-” Daddy started to speak.
“I don’t want you to use the favor for that. Maybe down the road, you’ll need it,” Monroe rushed out. “I’m a nobody. They don’t want to protect me. I don’t have any money to give them, either.”
“Hush,” Daddy said. “No talking badly about yourself. You know the rules. If you speak badly about yourself one more time, I’ll put you over my lap in front of Jaxson and spank you.”
She closed her mouth and started to pout. No fair. She wasn’t saying anything but the truth, so she didn’t really consider that speaking bad about herself.
“I bet at some point, they’ll need my help again and then they’ll owe me another favor. Don’t worry about that. The owner and I are really great friends, grew up together, so it isn’t a big deal,” Jaxson said calmly.
“Thank you. I really appreciate it,” Daddy said.
Monroe didn’t like one bit of it. They were both being stupid and not thinking things through.
“Daddy,” she said.
“Monroe, I care about you. I’m not letting this guy get in the way or take you away. If I have to pay a million dollars to get him put away and keep you safe, then I’ll do it. I want you and only you,” he said. “I want you safe and protected. Nothing’s going to change my mind, so I don’t know why you keep bringing it up.”
“You’ll get hurt,” she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. She didn’t like the thought of her Daddy getting hurt or possibly taken away from her. The thought scared her.
Yes, she knew her leaving would have the same effect, but it wasn’t the same thing. If she left, he would be alive and well, but if she stayed, Jared would kill him, and she couldn’t deal with that.
“I’ll contact my friend on the way home. Hopefully, he can send someone over tonight or tomorrow and they can figure out a way to take him out if the higher-ups at the police station don't want to reopen the case,” Jaxson said.
Monroe did not like the sound of that. If they didn't want to open it up again?
“It’s been over thirteen years since he left this town so they may not want to open it up again since he hasn't lived here in a while. That's why we're going to give all the information to my buddies, because they also investigate and go after bad people,” Jaxson explained.
She still didn’t like the sound of that, but she couldn't put up too much of an argument right now. Her Daddy was just shutting everything down and she didn't want to get punished because no doubt she would say something bad about herself while talking about Jared.
“Thanks man, I really appreciate it. Let me know if I can do anything in the future,” Daddy said.
“I’ll let myself out and text you once I hear from my friend.”
Jaxson looked down at her and gave her a small smile as Daddy ran his hand through her hair.
“Time for a nap,” he announced.
A whine escaped her lips but he was quick to stop it by placing his thumb in her mouth. She immediately started to suck on it, soothing herself. She’d never had a pacifier and never mentioned to her Daddy about using one, but sucking on his thumb right now felt amazing.
“Aww, does my Little Bunny need a pacifier?” he asked.
She snuggled into his body and continued to suck on his thumb. She didn't want to stop, and she didn't want him to take his thumb out. He tried to stand up but Monroe wouldn't have it.