Monroe turned to him, tears in her eyes and dropped the eraser to the floor. The floodgates opened at that one simple question.
“Oh, Bunny. It’s okay. It’s going to be okay,” he said as he picked her up.
Daddy slowly walked to the couch where he sat down and placed her head on his chest. She was so confused, so frustrated by her own uncharacteristic behavior.
She wanted to be held by him but at the same time, she knew she didn't deserve it. She had been such a bad girl and knew that Daddy forgave her, but it was hard. Normally, whenever she did something wrong, she would get a beating that would make her go unconscious or leave her so black and blue it was hard to move the next day.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong?” he asked as he ran his hand up and down her back.
Monroe buried her head in his neck and continued to cry. She had never cried so much in her life until she met him. She didn’t know what it was about him that made her want to cry her heart out.
Her crying finally lessened, and she relaxed in his embrace. If she could spend her whole life in this position, she would. The comfort it brought her was grand, and she loved every minute of it.
“Little Bunny?” Daddy asked. “Can you tell Daddy what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
She sat up straight and looked at him.
“I don’t know why I did all those things. I don’t know why I acted out and I don’t even know why I’m crying so much,” she whimpered as tears formed in her eyes once again.
She felt like she had just become a crying machine and nothing else.
“Oh, Bunny,” Daddy said as he caressed her face. “You’re getting more comfortable around me and you're testing to see if I actually follow through on my words and the rules. It’s perfectly normal and a lot of Littles do this. As you get even more comfortable with me, you may act out once in a while to see if I’ll punish you. And I will. Every time.”
Monroe sniffled and started to process his words. She was getting more comfortable with him, but she didn’t really understand why she was testing him.
Okay, that was a lie. What he said makes sense, because Monroe hadn’t really thought he was gonna punish her, but he followed through and did just that.
“I guess,” she whispered. “I'm just, I'm sorry.”
“It's okay. All is forgiven now so no need to feel bad about it.”
Monroe placed her head back on his chest and took several deep breaths. She wished she could stay in this position forever but knew at some point, one of them was going to need to go to the bathroom or get hungry.
“Also, sometimes Littles don't know how to let their stress go away. Sometimes they need to get a spanking so all their stress leaves by having a good cry. I know several Littles that get spankings every once in a while, not because they're being naughty, but because they need a good cry to let out all the stress and everything that's built up inside of them,” Daddy explained. “That could have been something you were trying to do. I don't know, but there could be several reasons why you acted out.”
Moving around in his lap, she stifled a moan as the butt plug moved inside her. It was torture having this inside her because it was a constant reminder that she had been naughty and now she was turned on.
In fact, she couldn't remember the last time she was this turned on. It had to have been years because everything Jared did made her scared and not turned on. This was almost like a foreign concept or a foreign feeling, and she didn't really know what to do.
“I'm sorry,” she mumbled.
“Don't say sorry again. Everything is forgiven and the slate is clean now. You're fine and you're going to be fine,” he said.
Daddy grabbed her hips and held them still. She hadn’t even realized she was rocking her hips back and forth. Monroe had also completely forgotten she didn't have any pants or underwear on.
Would there be a wet spot on him? Mortification filled her body as she thought about it. It would be so embarrassing. She needed to figure out a way to get off him without him seeing a wet spot if there was one.
She slightly lifted her hips so she wasn't really sitting on him. The wet spot couldn't get any bigger, if there was one.
“Did Daddy say you could get off of his lap?” he asked.
“N-no,” she stuttered. “But-”
“No buts. I didn't say you could, so sit back down.”
She didn't want to, but she also didn't want to disobey him. Was it normal to get turned on by a butt plug?? She had read about people getting their butts plugged but she’d never experienced it before. It apparently made her really horny.
“Is my Little Bunny turned on?” he asked.