“Two.” His finger pointed between his legs.

Her eyes went wide and she started to walk toward him. Definitely not bluffing. Standing in between his legs, she looked down at her feet. She was in big trouble. It was like she could feel the disappointment rolling off him as she stood in front of Daddy.

“Before we get started, I want you to know that if you get triggered or it’s way too much, you can use your safe word. Do you understand?” he asked as he lifted her head to look at him.

“Yes, Daddy,” she whispered.

“Good girl. What’s your safe word?”


“I’m going to put ginger in your bottom, spank you, you’ll do corner time, and then I’ll plug your little ass after I take the ginger out,” he said. “I know it’s a lot, but you could have only had the ginger and corner time. You decided to back talk to me and not follow directions.”

Her head hung again. She really should have followed her gut and not disobeyed him so much. She didn't know what went through her.

“Lay over my lap,” Daddy said. “Pants and diaper down.”

Monroe moved back and pulled her pants and diaper down. She wasn't ashamed of her body, but she also wasn't super comfortable about showing it.

She crawled onto his lap, placing herself in the position she had read about so many times.

“I know you said you wanted to try out spanking so we're going to try it once I get the ginger in you. If at any point you get triggered, yell out your safe word, okay?” he asked.

“Yes, Daddy,” she whispered.

Monroe felt him move around, probably grabbing the ginger before she felt his fingers spread her cheeks apart. She'd never had ginger in her bottom, but she’d read about it. They all talked about it stinging or burning, but did it really?

She knew that some books exaggerated things and she didn't know what to trust and what not to trust, especially since it was fiction, after all.

“I'm going to slowly ease it into you,” he said.

She waited and waited until he started to slowly push it in. The stretch of it entering her body was uncomfortable but it wasn't as nearly uncomfortable as the sensation that started to happen.

Monroe yelled and tried to get away, but Daddy held her down as he firmly placed the ginger where he wanted it to be.

“Your clenching is only making it worse,” he told her. “But you go on ahead and continue to clench. That's still staying in the whole time you're getting spanked and standing in the corner.”

Tears filled Monroe's eyes at the thought of it being in so long. She tried to relax but it was hard when she was in pain and all she wanted to do was tighten around it.

It burned and Monroe didn't like it at all. She guessed the authors hadn’t been exaggerating.

Daddy lightly tugged at the ginger before pushing and pulling it in and out slightly. She knew what he was doing. He was making her feel it even more, the burning sensation intensifying as he continued to push it in and pull it out.

“Hopefully, this will remind you not to color on the wall again or jump on the couch,” he said.

She definitely wasn't going to be back talking to him again. Ah, well, for a while at least. She couldn't promise she wasn't going to back talk again because that would be stupid. She didn't know why she’d done it now and she was pretty sure she was going to do it again.

“I-I’m sorry!” she wailed, trying to get out of his hold.

“Be a good girl and stay still for Daddy while you take your punishment. I don't want to have to add on any extra.”

Monroe tried to stay still but it was hard when her butt was stinging. It felt like it was on fire and it was never going to be put out.

“Punishments aren’t supposed to be liked,” he said. “Now, you're going to get twenty spankings and then you're going to go into the corner for fifteen minutes.”

She held her breath, waiting for the first spank, but it never came.

“Breathe,” he told her. “I don't want you passing out on me. You need to breathe.”