"Now," he growled.

Monroe stomped her foot. "No, I'm not going over to you."

Daddy raised his eyebrow and waited for her to move, but Monroe folded her arms and stayed where she was. It was like slow motion as he started to walk toward her. She moved back, but before she could get away, his hand gripped hers and he started to walk toward the nursery.

He walked her over to the corner and placed her body so she was staring at it.

"Stay here while I go get the ginger," he told her.

The moment he let her hand go, she immediately turned around. She didn't want to be in the corner. He didn't have a right to put her in the corner.

"Corner, now!" he said.

She stuck her tongue out and shook her head. She wasn't going to face the corner.

Daddy walked over to her again and turned her around. She knew right as he let go of her, she was going to turn around again.

A swat landed on her butt and a little shriek left her lips. Ouch. That stung a little.

"Stay facing the corner with your bottom out. If I walk back in the room and you're not facing the corner with your bottom out, your punishment will get worse," he told her.

He wouldn't actually make her punishment worse, right? He was probably all bark and no bite.

"Don't wanna," she said and turned her head to look at him.

Grabbing her chin with his hand, he held it firmly and got closer to her.

"You’d better or you’re going to find yourself in more trouble than you want,” he replied.

She rolled her eyes and pulled her face from his hand. Bark and no bite. He hadn't punished her yet for anything she'd done when she’d broken rules, so why would she think he was going to do it now?

Once again, Daddy turned her around to face the corner.

"I hope you follow what I said. I hate punishing you, but you need to know I mean business and won't let you walk all over me," he said. “No matter what you do, you won’t walk all over me.”

She gulped and stayed still as he let go of her. Maybe she should stay in the corner while he went to get the ginger. She hoped he wasn't going to use the ginger for what she thought he was going to, but she wouldn't know until he came back.

"I'll be right back," he said.

Monroe waited for him to leave before she turned around and leaned up against the wall. There was no way she was going to stay in the corner. She didn't want to and she didn't have to.

She didn't know how much time had passed, but she started to get bored. Maybe she could go play with some toys. Maybe Daddy forgot about her and her punishment. Good for her in a way. She’d known deep down he wasn't actually going to punish her.

Daddy walked into the room and shook his head when he realized she wasn't facing the corner. He slowly walked toward the chair and sat down, placing the ginger down on the nightstand and clasped his hands together.

"Come here," he said, his voice devoid of any emotion.

She gulped and took a deep breath. "No."



Monroe knew once she had said no, it was a big mistake. Daddy sat up straighter and if it was possible, his face got even harder.

“I’m going to count to three and once I hit three, you’ll regret it. Your bottom won’t be the only thing that hurts. You’ll be doing lines, corner time, no toys,” he said. “One.”

She held her breath. He was bluffing. Daddy had to be. He wouldn’t really take away her toys, would he?