"Mr. Wiggle, I can't do that," she exhaled.
He gave her a look and she dropped her shoulders.
"It would be fun, I know. But that's definitely against the rules," she softly said.
She looked at Bunster, wanting his support on this matter.
"True, he never said I couldn't draw on the wall. You're so smart, Bunster, for thinking about that," she said and quickly looked at Mr. Wiggle. "So are you. It was a great idea and I can't wait to do it!"
Grabbing one of the pencils by the coloring book, she walked over to the empty wall. She hesitated for a second and looked back at Bunster, Ellie, and Mr. Wiggle.
"Don't call me that! I'm not a chicken," she said. "Well, maybe I am. Okay, fine. I'll do it. Oh? Sing a song as well?"
She grinned and placed the tip of the pencil on the wall.
"I'm going to go to the beach one day. Play in the pretty sand and jump in the water," she started off singing softly as she drew on the wall. "Oh, Bunster, I shouldn't sing louder."
Monroe went back to drawing pretty flowers on the wall and singing, getting louder as the seconds passed.
"I'm going to go to the mountains one day! Hiking for hours and getting tired before we get to the top. Daddy's going to have to carry me the rest of the way," she sang louder and started to color in one of the flowers. "Oh, the mountains! The mountains are so pretty! Pretty, pretty, like Daddy!"
She stepped back and looked at her art piece. She couldn't wait to show Daddy what she had drawn for him!
"Monroe Johanna Grayson!" Daddy's voice boomed.
Her eyes went wide as she slowly turned around and looked at him. He sounded mad and used three names. Even if they weren't her three names, it still got her attention and she knew she was in trouble.
Daddy normally called her his Little Bunny or Bunny, and he very rarely called her by her given name.
"Daddy?" she hesitantly asked. "Look at what I drew for you. Do you like it?"
"You're not allowed to draw on the wall," he said. "You knew that and yet you did it."
"Well, Mr. Wiggle and Bunster told me it wasn't technically in the rules of what I couldn't do."
She flinched as she finished saying that and Daddy's face went hard. He was super duper mad.
"You knew not to do it and you can't blame it on your stuffed animals," he said. "You knew it was wrong and would land you getting into trouble."
"Nu-uh! It wasn't in the rules! You said I could color and draw. You never said where I could or couldn't." She stuck her tongue out at him.
"I shouldn't have to tell you not to draw on the wall. And no sticking your tongue out at me."
She crossed her arms and glared at him. He was being so unfair. It wasn't in the rules and Mr. Wiggle and Bunster were right in what they told her.
"Bunster said it was perfectly fine to do it! Maybe you should get some pointers from him!" She raised her voice.
Monroe knew in the back of her mind that she should stop talking or she was going to get into trouble.
"What did you just say?" he asked slowly, his voice deepening. "Little girl, you are just asking for a punishment."
"I said maybe you should get some pointers from Bunster!" she yelled, moving her arms around.
"Come here," he commanded.
She instantly regretted saying no to him, but she couldn't back down now. She was already in trouble and needed to stand her ground.