"Wowsie," she whispered. "Accent so good."

"Why, thank you, Princess Monroe. I spent two years in London and practiced a lot."

Her nose wrinkled and she shook her head.

"Little Bunny," she whispered.

"What?" he asked.

Why was she saying his nickname for her?

"Me Little Bunny, not Pwincess Monwoe," she said.

Michael smiled at her and nodded his head. He knew she liked the nickname, but he didn't know she liked it that much.

"Sorry, my Little Bunny. You'll always be my Little Bunny," he told her. "My good Little Bunny."

Her cheeks went rosy red and she looked down at the table. Oh, he loved it so much when she got all rosy cheeked when he told her she was a good girl.

"Tea! Pouw fow Wiggle and Bunstew and me!" she demanded.

He raised his eyebrow at her.


"Good girl for using your manners," he said as he picked up the teapot and poured the imaginary tea in her cup first.

He had thought about filling it with actual tea, but he didn't want Monroe to burn herself if she insisted on pouring. Selfishly, he also didn't want to have to clean the small teapot. If she had asked, he would have done it for her, but she seemed content without it.

"Thank you, Daddy!" She clapped her hands and bounced in the chair. "Wiggle and Bunstew next!"

"Of course. We can't forget about the noble Mr. Wiggle and Bunster," he said and poured them some tea, too, before he poured some for himself.

Michael picked his little cup up and looked at Monroe.

"Pinky out," he reminded her. "It's the only proper way to drink tea."

She looked so serious as she pointed her finger out and took a sip of the imaginary tea.

"You look so silly!" she giggled as he made a face while drinking.

Michael placed his hand on his heart and acted hurt. "Are you calling Daddy silly? You wound me."

Her eyes went wide and she shot out of her chair and jumped into his arms.

"No, Daddy! No silly. Smawt, handsome, lovey," she squished his cheeks together as she talked. "No sad, Daddy! Cheewy! Happy Daddy, no sad Daddy."

He gently grabbed her hands and pretended to start chomping down on them. Giggles filled the room as she tried to get away from him, but he kept her close.

"Daddy! Stop, Daddy! Tickles," her voice raised. "Dadddyyyyy."

Stopping his pretend biting, he placed her back on his lap and wrapped his arms around her. He gave her a big smile.

"Happy Daddy," he said.

She blinked several times, her eyes drooping as she relaxed in his arms.

"Happy Daddy?" she whispered. "No sad?"