A hand wrapped around her waist and picked her up. Several hard swats landed on her bottom, making her yell in pain.

“Stop!” she screamed. “Stoooooop.”

“In the corner right now,” Daddy said and placed her feet back on the ground.

“No!” she stomped her foot and looked up at him.



“No?” Daddy said. “I’m going to count to three, and if you aren’t in the corner by three, there will be more consequences.”

Charlotte stood her ground. He had no right to swat her bottom and tell her to go into the corner. She didn’t do anything wrong.


She didn’t move from her spot.


Maybe she should move because he seemed very serious about this.

“Three. That’s it.” Daddy grabbed onto her arm and guided her over to the corner. “Nose touching right here and bottom sticking out.”

Charlotte turned around and crossed her arms, glaring at her Daddy. She didn’t understand what she was getting in trouble for. Running wasn’t bad, and she didn’t break the rule of her being in danger.

“Nose in the corner,” he said again as he turned her around.

“I don’t wanna!” Charlotte yelled and turned around once again. “I didn’t do anything wrong!”

Daddy let out a sigh and kneeled down onto the ground. He grabbed her face in between his hands and looked her in the eye.

“Daddy told you not to run, and I expect you to obey that. You could’ve slipped and fallen on your head. Or you could’ve ran into a wall or glass door and cut yourself,” he explained. “Daddy just wants you to be safe, and running in the house is dangerous.”

“It’s not dangerous!” She stomped her foot. “I just wanted ice cream!”

How could running be that dangerous? Yes, she could slip and fall, but it wouldn’t hurt that bad, would it?

“Charlotte, it is dangerous. You could be running and slipping which could result in cracking your head open. There are a lot of corners in our house, and you could hit your head on one of them and need surgery,” he explained.

Charlotte’s face paled at the mention of cracking her head open and surgery. She didn’t realize that those could happen if she ran in the house.

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” she whispered and closed her eyes.

All she wanted was ice cream, and she had thrown all caution out the door to get it.

“I know you are, but you disobeyed and then threw a tantrum when I tried to punish you and explain the reasoning behind it,” Daddy said. “Let Daddy take your pants and underwear off, and then you go into the corner.”

Charlotte hung her head as her Daddy started to pull her pants and underwear down. She knew he only wanted to keep her safe, and she ignored it.

“Corner in the nose and your bottom out. I’ll start the time once it’s done,” he said and patted her bottom lightly.

She scurried to the corner and tucked her nose in and her bottom out. She was on display in the corner, and she didn’t like that one bit. Charlotte pulled her shirt down to try and cover her bottom, but Daddy lightly tapped her hand.

“No covering your bottom,” he said. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”

Charlotte stood in the corner and thought about what she did. She couldn't believe that she talked back to him and threw a tantrum. Charlotte didn’t know why she did that.