Charlotte's cheeks turned bright red, and she looked down.
"I've got a shy bladder," she whispered. "You can leave."
"Nope. There's nothing between a little and her Daddy. You can pee in front of me," he replied. "I'll turn the water on so I can't hear."
Charlotte waited for the water to turn on before she started to go to the bathroom. She knew it was important to pee after she had sex, but she didn't know how she felt about peeing in front of him. Charlotte quickly wiped herself and looked over at her Daddy.
"Such a good girl for Daddy," he said as he picked her up.
He walked back into the room and laid her down on the bed.
"Do you want Moody?" he asked.
Charlotte immediately nodded her head and snuggled into the pillow. Daddy walked out of the room, and when he came back, he had Moody in his hands.
Charlotte made grabby hands, and her Daddy gave her stuffie to her. She snuggled up to it and felt him get into bed and wrap his arms around her.
"Good night, my little cupcake," he whispered in her ear.
"Good night, Daddy."
Daddy had asked Charlotte the other day if she would move in with him. Well, he had said a whole lot of things that overwhelmed Charlotte.
He poured his heart out to her, and all she could say back was that she also loved him. It was true; she loved him with her whole heart.
Everything about him was perfect. Yes, he did give spankings and timeouts in the corner, but she knew in the end that he was doing it out of love. He wanted her to be better, happy, and healthy, and that warmed her heart.
Not many people had wanted that for her when she was growing up. They didn't care if she ate enough, slept enough, or was happy. They just cared about themselves, but Daddy didn't. He cared about her and wanted her to thrive in life.
Charlotte had thought long and hard about moving in with him. She didn't know if she should because what if they broke up? Where would she go then?
Even if they didn't break up, would she have her own space to relax? She hadn't shared a house with anyone in a long time, and she was worried that moving in with him wouldn't end well.
What if they got sick of each other when she moved in?
Charlotte had stayed the past two nights, and it was amazing, but that was just two nights. Moving in with him would be for the rest of their lives or until they got sick of each other.
She didn't want to have to think about all of this, but she needed to. She needed to give him an answer because it wasn't fair to leave him hanging. He had poured his heart out to her and asked her to move in.
Charlotte was sort of already living with him, but most of her stuff was over at her house. She had several pairs of clothes here, and Daddy had bought her some more, but her stuff was still at her house waiting for her.
Tears of frustration filled Charlotte's eyes. She just wished it would be an easy decision and that all these bad thoughts wouldn't come to mind, but she couldn't help it. Charlotte had always needed to think about the good and the bad when she decided things.
She had been on her own for so long that she had to. If she didn't, then sometimes there were consequences that she had to deal with.
Charlotte wiped away the tears and sucked in several deep breaths. Maybe it was wise for her to say she couldn't move in to be safe. Or tell Daddy that she could but keep her house and the stuff in it, so in case of anything, she could just move back in there.
Just the thought of telling him that she couldn’t move broke her heart. She wanted so badly to move in with him, but she was worried. Who wouldn’t be worried in this situation?
She had been independent for so long, and she was worried that when she moved in, she wouldn’t have that independence anymore.
Charlotte knew that her independence was important. She loved relying on her Daddy, but it was just knowing that she had a place to go if she needed to ease her.
Would she have a place like that if she moved in?