She deserved the world on a golden platter. Anything she wanted, he was going to try and get for her. Finn had a feeling that she wasn't going to ask for anything, which meant he would have to get the information out of her.

Easy for him. He knew how to ask questions and get an answer out of her. She liked it when he commanded that she tell him, her body language and facial expression told him that.

Finn knew that in certain situations she wasn't going to tell him things because she wasn't comfortable. That was okay, for a certain amount of time. He didn't want to force her to tell him anything, but he also didn't want her to get away with anything or not come to him because she was embarrassed.

There was nothing to be embarrassed about between a Daddy and his little girl. In Finn's case, a Daddy and his little cupcake.

Oh, he knew she loved it when he called her that. The way the little shiver went through her body as he called her that. Or the small smile that would appear on her face.

Finn didn't know if she was aware that she did that, and he wasn't going to tell her yet. He didn't want to tell her and then she stop doing it because she was self conscious. Not going to happen on his watch because he loved the little smile and shiver that went through her when he called her that.

He couldn't wait to see what else she liked to be called. His good little girl? He bet that one would make her feel all gooey inside, and he couldn't wait to call her that.

Finn briefly looked over at Charlotte and couldn't help but worry about her. Why didn't she come to him sooner about this? Did she not feel comfortable? Did he make her feel like she couldn't come to him for anything?

He didn't like the thought of that, and it worried him. When they first talked about being in a dynamic together, he had told her that she could come to him for anything. Charlotte had said she understood, but that didn't mean she was going to. He needed to let her know that she could come to him for anything and that he wanted her to.

Maybe she didn't think it was that important? Or that she didn't want to bother him?

Finn didn't know, but he was going to find out when she got better. With that thought, he knew he needed to call Michael.

Michael was one of the eight owners of BTS, and before they decided to open the club, he was a doctor. He still practiced some but not as much as he used to. Finn knew that when they got to his house he would call him right away; he didn't care that it was four almost five in the morning.

He needed to make sure that Charlotte was going to be okay and what exactly to do. Finn didn't know if she just had a cold or if it was something else, but he was going to find out.

With a sigh, Finn pulled into his parking garage for his house. Should he put her in the nursery he had or in his bed? He wanted her to be comfortable, but he also didn't want to freak her out if she was in his bed.

The crib could possibly make her feel secure if she woke up in the middle of the night. He would just have to make sure to put a nightlight in before he left, in case she did wake up. Finn didn't want Charlotte to wake up and be scared.

With that in mind, Finn got out of the car and walked around to Charlotte. He loved having her in his arms, and he couldn't wait until she woke up. Maybe she would be all snuggly while she was feeling icky and want to be held. Finn didn't care if he got sick, all he wanted was to give Charlotte all the love and affection she wanted and needed.

He carried her into his house and up to the second floor where the nursery was. Finn had never brought a little girl to his nursery. It never felt right until now.

He had wanted to bring Charlotte to his nursery the first time he met her, which shocked him. He wasn’t like that, and he knew it.

Maybe once she saw it she would want to move in. Finn wouldn’t object to that because he wanted her to move in.

If he had it his way, she would’ve been moved in already, but it wasn’t up to him, and he knew that. But Finn did know that if she was lying about not wanting to move in or scared, he would ease those worries and give her a little push, a little nudge in the right direction.

He would try his best not to be biased, but he knew it would be hard.

The crib came into view, and Finn found himself not wanting to put her down. He wanted to continue to hold her in his arms.

But Finn knew that he needed to call Michael to ask him to come and check on Charlotte. Finn wouldn’t stop worrying until he came.

He gently placed Charlotte down in the crib and made sure the bar was locked in place. He didn’t want her waking up and trying to climb out only for it to not be in place and her fault. He didn’t want her climbing over anyways, but he didn’t know what she was gonna do when she woke up if he wasn’t there.

Fin grabbed his phone and called Michael.

“It’s five in the morning,” Michael answered.

“You know I wouldn’t call you this early if I didn’t have a good reason,” Finn replied.

Finn has only called Michael a handful of times. He didn’t like bothering people, but he’d never really needed to call Michael outside of work. They hung out some, but they both are busy.

“I know. What do you need?”

Finn let out a sigh. “Could you come over and examine someone?”