Mac wasn't going to get off this easy. Finn wanted to know who this little girl was that caught Mac's attention, and he was going to find out.
Mac turned around and gave Finn a smile. “I was hoping you would forget about that, but I can see that you obviously didn’t.”
“You're not getting off that easily. I want to know who caught your attention because nobody has done that before.” Finn sat on the edge of his desk.
“Fine, I'll tell you. There isn't much to say because I haven't talked to her much,” Mac said as he leaned up against the wall. “She's been coming to the club for a couple of years. She's had Daddies off and on but nothing ever serious. She's always caught my attention, but I didn't know how to approach her because she always had a Daddy.”
“So it changed now?” Finn asked.
“I knew she didn't have a Daddy, so I walked up to her and asked if I could play with her, and she said yes. So I played dolls with her for a couple of hours before she had to go home. The best time of my life, well, best time this last week. I've gotten to know her a little, but we haven't talked much, and she hasn't been back in a while.”
“Could she be out of town?”
“I don't know what she does for work, and I didn't want to look up her phone number and ask because I want to gain her trust and not break it by looking up her information. I'm hoping she comes to this huge little event we're holding so that I can talk to her and see if we can get to know each other better.”
“That's a good idea! I need to ask Charlotte if she wants to go to that.”
Mac chuckled. “Maybe wait until after she says yes or no.”
Finn knew that already. He was already going to wait until after Charlotte said yes, if she said yes.
“Well, I hope your little one comes,” Finn said.
All but two of the owners didn't have littles.
“Well, I really got to go now. I've got to talk to somebody about cupcakes we are ordering for the littles’ event. Well, not talk to somebody but I need to make sure that we're getting enough and that the time is correct and all that fun stuff,” Mac said as he opened the door.
“Have fun with that,” Finn replied.
Mac walked out of his office and left Finn to his thoughts. All Finn needed to do was finish this paperwork, and then he didn't have to think about anything else.
He groaned as he sat down in his chair again. He really didn't want to do this paperwork, but he knew he needed to. With that last thought, Finn started working to try and get it done.
It had been a couple of days since Finn and Charlotte talked at the coffee shop. Charlotte had been busy with work and had been so tired; she knew that if she hung out with anyone, she wouldn’t have been able to pay attention.
Finn wanted to meet up and talk about things, but Charlotte told him that she was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. He understood and told her to get some much needed rest and to not stay up too late.
All Charlotte wanted to do was hang out with him, but she knew she would be no good in her state. She wanted someone to take care of her when she got back from work but didn't know who to ask.
Finn wasn't her Dom or Daddy Dom, and she didn't want to call Diana and bother her. Charlotte didn’t like bothering people with tasks that she could do. She didn’t need a Daddy Dom, but she wanted one.
She wanted to feel cherished and loved, taken care of by a Daddy, but she didn’t need it. What Charlotte needed was money because she was always struggling.
Charlotte had called Finn last night and told him that she wanted to get to know him. She had thought about it for a couple of days and knew that she wanted to take a step forward.
Charlotte knew from the beginning when they talked in the coffee shop that she wanted to get to know him, but she didn't want to rush into anything. She had a habit of doing that, and it was not turning out well.
It took everything in her not to call Finn the next morning and tell him that she wanted to get to know him more, to tell him that she wanted him to be her Daddy.
It was still taking a lot in her not to call him and tell him exactly that. She had gotten told several times to have ten seconds of courage and just do or say what she meant to do or say. Charlotte had thought about having those ten seconds of courage to tell Finn that.
She’d never had a Daddy, so she didn’t know what she was really missing out on. Yes, she had seen Amelia interact with her Daddy, but besides that, she hadn't seen much. However, she'd read countless books that made her crave having a Daddy even more.
Finn and Charlotte were meeting up today to talk about some things. Charlotte was nervous about the meetup, and she didn't know how much she was going to be able to pay attention. She was still catching up on her sleep.