She could feel the anxiety flow through her body with those questions. She felt comfortable around him last night, and he seemed to be genuinely interested in her.
Maybe not anymore since she’d been ignoring him. Charlotte couldn’t help it, though, because she’d never had a guy do this, let alone a Daddy, and she didn’t know what to do.
Was there a certain way to respond? Did she need to say sir afterwards? Should she call him by his name, or was that disrespectful?
She knew that she couldn’t call him Daddy until they’d agreed on him being her Daddy. She knew that much, but besides that, she didn’t know what to do. This was the first time someone had actually really taken interest in her, and she was overflowing with anxiety.
Charlotte had talked to other Doms before, but it never went past them talking in the club. Not BTS but a club she went to when she first found out she was a little.
Who knew that talking to someone could bring so much anxiety? Charlotte didn’t know if she liked being so nervous over this.
She was already an anxious person, and this just added more on to it. Not good for her health at all, but she couldn’t stop herself. Maybe once they got over this initial talk, she wouldn’t be as anxious as she was right now.
“Charlotte,” James said, gaining her attention.
Charlotte had also been spacing out a lot today, and she couldn’t help it. She was constantly thinking about Finn and how to respond or if she should respond now.
James had caught her several times with a spoon in her hand as she was stirring things, not paying attention to anything. It wasn’t a good look for her, and she knew that. She had already made so many messes recently and caused so much trouble.
Charlotte didn’t know why James kept her when she struggled so much. He could definitely find somebody that was better suited for this job, but even when she told him all of that, it didn’t matter. He told her he wasn’t going to fire her, and she kind of was starting to believe that.
If this was any other place, she would have been fired a long time ago. She was lucky, and she knew it. Charlotte didn’t know where to go if she ever did get fired. She was already tight on money, and not a lot of places were hiring right now.
She never went to college. She had started to go to culinary school but dropped out when she couldn’t afford it. She didn’t really have much to her name, and it worried her.
If she ever did get fired, what was she going to do? She couldn’t do a lot because she didn’t have a bachelor’s degree or anything. She only had a high school diploma, and what could you do with that?
“Charlotte,” James said again.
“Sorry,” she whispered as she looked over at him.
She really needed to get a grip or else he was going to send her home early, again. She couldn’t afford to do that. Charlotte knew that they paid her whenever they sent her home early, but she always felt guilty.
She didn’t work hard for that money, and she knew that they shouldn’t, but they took care of her. It didn’t make her feel good that she got paid when she didn’t do anything. It made her feel like a charity case, and she wasn’t one.
“What has gotten into you? What happened last night, if you don’t mind me asking?” James asked.
Charlotte looked down at her feet, not wanting to look into his eyes. She didn’t really want to tell James that she potentially had a Daddy interested in her. And she didn’t want to say that she might have ruined her chances with him by not responding to his texts.
Tears welled up in her eyes at the thought of all that. The more Charlotte thought about it, the more distressed she got. She didn’t want to ruin the chance with Finn, but she felt like she already had.
She had wanted to respond this morning to his text and say good morning, but she was busy, and then she forgot about it for a little bit. They got a rush, and she didn’t have time to think about anything else but getting baked goods out.
Maybe if Charlotte had taken a break today like she was supposed to, she could have responded. But she didn’t, and now she was regretting it.
“I’ve got a lot on my mind,” Charlotte whispered. She was hoping that this would keep his questions at bay, but deep down, she knew it wouldn’t.
James wanted to help her as much as he could, and that meant he asked a lot of questions.
“Do you need to talk?” James asked.
Charlotte shrugged her shoulders because she wanted to, but she didn’t want to make things awkward between her and James. He was her boss after all, and she felt like if she spilled her guts to him about what happened that things would change.
“I don’t want to make things weird,” she whispered. “I’ll talk to my stuffie when I get home.”
Charlotte hoped James would understand.
He let out a sigh and knelt down next to her. “If you need anything, let me know. You are an employee, but you’re also Amelia’s and my friend.”