She quickly looked up from his lap and into his eyes. Charlotte didn’t see any disappointment lingering on his face or in his eyes, and she let out a little breath at that.

“Remember, after the punishment, all is forgiven,” Finn said. “Now, how about we get started so we can get to the part where I cuddle you.”

Charlotte didn’t know what to do. She wanted to get on with this punishment, but she didn’t want it. She didn’t want to be in pain, and she knew she was going to feel this punishment for days after.

Finn tugged on Charlotte’s arm, encouraging her, and that gave her the push she needed to lay herself over his lap. She felt so weird laying there, and so many emotions were running through her.

Charlotte was scared, aroused, and nervous. Scared and nervous because this was her first time getting spanked and aroused because the thought of getting spanked by Finn turned her on.

She had only just met Finn, but she felt the connection with him. She felt a spark had ignited between them.

Finn’s hand touched her butt, making her flinch. She didn’t expect him to touch her so softly before she got spanked.

“Everything’s going to be okay. I’m going to take good care of you,” Finn whispered. “Next time you get in trouble, it’s a bare bottom for you.”

Charlotte gulped and nodded her head. Hopefully she wouldn’t get in trouble again, especially when he was around. She didn’t want to disappoint him again.

“You have two options. One, you can keep your hands wrapped around my thighs, or I can hold them behind your back. I don’t want you moving them to your bottom in the middle of the spanking and getting hurt,” Finn said.

“Y-you can hold them,” Charlotte whispered.

She didn’t trust herself at all to keep her hands from her butt when he started the spanking. She knew once it hurt, she would move her hands.

Finn gently took her hands and placed them together at her lower back, holding them in place with his big hand. Charlotte let out a shaky breath and tensed her body, ready for the spankings to start.

But they didn’t come. Hmmm, did he only want to get her in this position and then let her go? Charlotte relaxed over Finn’s lap, feeling great that he wasn’t actually going to spank her.


Charlotte let out a startled yelp and tugged her hands, trying to break them free. The sting of the first spanking brought tears to her eyes. How was she going to make it through the rest of them if it hurt this bad already?

“That was just a warm up,” Finn said.

Charlotte struggled in his grip, trying to get off of his lap but failed when he kept her in place.

Several more spankings came, shocking Charlotte before the pain came. She felt like her bottom was on fire.

Finn alternated between cheeks, never hitting in the same spot twice. Charlotte didn’t know how long it went for, and when Finn started to smack her sit spot, she lost it.

Tears streamed down her face as she sobbed. Charlotte tried one last time to get away from his hand, but when it failed, she accepted her fate and laid limp in his lap.

That’s when the spankings stopped and she felt herself being picked up. Finn moved her so her bottom wasn’t touching anything, but she was tucked against his chest as his arms wrapped around her.

“You did so well,” Finn whispered. “It’s all over, and all is forgiven.”

Charlotte continued to cry in his embrace, letting all of it out. She couldn’t stop herself from crying.

“It’s okay. Let it all out.” Finn rocked them back and forth as he ran his hand up and down her back.

He was soothing her, and it was slowly starting to work as her cries started to calm down. Finn gently ran his hand over her covered bottom, and she let out a cry of pain.

“Nooo,” she whined, tears running down her face from the pain. “Stawp! It huwts.”

Finn let out a little chuckle and held Charlotte closer to him. “It’s supposed to hurt after. It reminds you to be a good little girlfor me and Diana.”

Charlotte looked up at Finn, her tears all dried up now. Her butt was throbbing, and all she wanted to do was put ice on it to make it go away.

“You took the punishment so well. I’m proud of you,” Finn said as he stroked her hair.