“Now that you’re all clean, let’s go eat some lunch.”
Charlotte held her arms up. Right now, she wanted to be held and comforted. It was embarrassing what happened in there, and she hoped no one else knew what happened. She wouldn’t be able to show her face there if everyone knew that she had wet herself.
“No one knows besides your boss. I needed to make sure that no one walked into the kitchen before I got there, so he watched over the door. You’re safe,” Daddy said as he picked her up.
He grabbed a bag and closed the car door before he walked into the bakery again and toward the kitchen.
“I brought you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with some snap peas, carrots, and a treat for after,” Daddy said.
He went to let go of Charlotte, but she clung onto him.
“Not ready to let go of Daddy?” he asked.
“No,” she whispered.
She wanted to be held by him for a little while longer. Charlotte wanted to feel safe, and he made her feel that way. He calmed the nerves that ran through her body.
“That’s okay. Daddy will hold you while he feeds you.”
Daddy sat down and placed Charlotte on her lap. She snuggled into his embrace and waited for him to get all of the food out.
Charlotte could get used to this. Sitting in his lap as he fed her, taking a break from work, and just being with him a lot.
“Just relax, and let Daddy take care of you for the next several minutes.”
And that’s what she did, and she loved every minute of it.
Several days had passed since Charlotte had the accident at the bakery. Finn had put a diaper on her every day before she went to work and would meet her for lunch where he would change it and feed her.
It was a nice routine they had, and he wanted that every day. Sadly, Charlotte had gone back to her house yesterday. Finn asked her several times to stay with him so he could take care of her, but she said she needed to go back.
That didn’t sit well with him, but he didn’t want to push her too far. They had introduced a lot since they first met, and it hadn’t even been three months of them knowing each other. If anyone else looked into their relationship and timeline, they would say they were moving fast, but Finn felt like they were moving slow.
Finn had hoped that Charlotte would’ve been moved into his house by now, but she wasn’t. She was holding back, and he didn’t know why. Could it be that she still wanted that little piece of independence?
He had to remind himself that she had been on her own for a while and never had a Daddy before. It was all new to her, and he couldn’t blame her for being a little hesitant.
He had meant to talk to her about this several days ago, but he never had a good time to bring it up. There never was a good moment to talk about it, and he knew that. He just needed to bring it up and get it over with.
Finn wanted her to fully move in with him and not have anything hold her back. He wanted her fully and not with one foot out the door.
That’s what he felt like it was.
One foot out the door, and if anything went wrong, she would bolt out the door and never turn back around.
He let out a sigh and leaned against the door to Charlotte’s nursery. When she saw the nursery, her eyes brightened, and tears rolled down her face. She was so in love with it, and he had a hard time getting her out of there.
Charlotte’s nap was almost over, and he knew he needed to get her up. She wouldn’t sleep later tonight if he didn’t.
She had gotten back from work and was absolutely exhausted. So Finn fixed her up a bottle, rocked her while she ate, and then placed her down for a nap. Charlotte didn’t even complain, which meant she was exhausted.
He wondered if she got enough sleep last night. He wasn’t there to make sure she actually went to sleep when she was supposed to, but she did message him goodnight. That didn’t mean she went to bed at that time, but Finn wanted to believe that she did.
Finn walked into the room and over to her crib and stared at her. Charlotte had confided in him that she felt really small around him, and he knew exactly what she meant. She had some tendencies that were in younger littles, and he didn’t mind.