Taking a deep breath, Charlotte looked up at her Daddy and nodded her head. She could do this. He had told her so many times that she didn’t need to be embarrassed or afraid to tell him anything. That he would be supportive and try to help her out, and she was starting to believe him.

Daddy had told her so many times, and when she did talk to him about something, he always listened to her and made her feel like she was the only person in the world at that moment. He made her feel special and giddy inside.

“I was embarrassed and didn’t want to be a charity case,” she whispered.

Everything inside of her screamed for her to run to the bathroom and hide from her Daddy, but his hand on her knee stopped her. His touch calmed her a little bit, but she still felt jittery and nervous about what he was going to say.

“Daddy didn’t hear. Can you say it a little louder?” he asked.

She stared at him with wide eyes before she recoiled. Did he really not hear, or did he just want her to admit it again? Did he get off on embarrassing her?

Charlotte didn’t know if she could deal with that. She didn’t like to be embarrassed or humiliated. It never made her feel good, and she always tried to avoid it.

“Daddy really didn’t hear. You were so quiet. Daddy would never make fun of you by asking you to repeat something,” he said and calmed some of her worry.

“I was embarrassed and didn’t want to be a charity case,” Charlotte said again but louder this time.

Daddy stared at her and blinked a couple of times. Worry filled Charlotte, and before she knew it, she was speaking again.

“W-we just started our relationship, and I didn’t want to rely on you financially. I k-knew that once you found out…” Charlotte took a breath. “I knew, I knew that.”

Daddy placed his other hand on her knee and gave it a little squeeze.

“Breath,” he encouraged her. “Big breath. Good girl. Another one. Such a good girl.”

Charlotte relaxed, and her brain became less fuzzy.

“Now, what were you saying?” he asked.

She was grateful he wasn’t just going to forget that she was talking before. Charlotte had several guys who, once she took a breath to regain her composure, would start talking and completely forget that she was.

“I knew that once you found out I needed help financially, you would step in. I was embarrassed that you would hate me for having to help me out. I didn’t earn the money, so I didn’t want you to spend it on my bills that were overdo.”

Charlotte had finally gotten it out, and a little weight came off her shoulders, but at the same time, it didn’t. She was glad she finally told her Daddy about it, but she was worried he would be disappointed in her.

“Charlotte,” Daddy started to say. “I want you to pay close attention to what I’m about to say. Can you do that for Daddy?”

She nodded her head but quickly spoke. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl.”

Charlotte relaxed more. He didn’t sound angry or disappointed right now.

“Daddy wants you to know that he would never hate you for needing help with paying bills. Daddy would never hate you for anything; it’s not possible,” he said as he ran his hands up and down her thigh. “You don’t need to be embarrassed about needing help financially either, and you aren’t a burden. Daddy loves to take care of you. It makes him feel wanted.”

Charlotte hung onto his words like they were her lifeline. Every word he spoke calmed her down more and more.

“Daddy loves it when you come to him for things. It makes him feel like you trust him with things,” he said. “He knows you may not come to him with things right away, but he hopes you know that you can eventually come to him for things. And you aren’t a charity case, never in Daddy’s eyes. People go through struggles in life every now and the, and that’s okay.”

Her eyes started to water as he continued to talk.

“Daddy had to ask Jaxson for help with money several years ago. It’s okay to ask for help, and it doesn’t make you weak. You are so strong, but you don’t have to do it alone. Daddy is here to catch you, to take care of you, and to love you.”

Charlotte flung herself at her Daddy. Everything he said was so sweet, and she believed it.

“I’ve got you,” he whispered into her ear. “Daddy meant every word he said.”

She nodded her head in his shoulder and continued to hold onto him. She didn’t want to let him go, not after he told her all of those things.