She shook her head and pushed those thoughts away. She didn’t need to be thinking about that because she knew if she did, it wouldn’t end well. Happy thoughts were what Charlotte should be thinking about.How Daddy made her so happy and taken such good care of her while she was sick. He was such a good Daddy, and Charlotte knew she was lucky to have him.

Relaxed, Charlotte turned to her side and looked between the crib bars. She still felt icky, but it was better than it had been. He had been giving her some type of medicine in her bottom the past two nights, and it had done wonders. Or maybe it was the sleep she had gotten.

Daddy had made sure she got enough sleep at night and took naps during the day. The first day she didn’t fight the naps or the early bedtime, but yesterday she had, and she got a warning from her Daddy.

She hadn’t fought on going to bed early because by that time she was exhausted and just wanted to snuggle up to her Daddy and fall asleep. When she took naps in the day, Daddy would put her in the crib, but at night she would sleep in his bed with him.

It was hard last night, even though she was sleepy. Charlotte had always felt physically attracted to her Daddy, but it wasn’t until she got into his bed that it grew. Yes, she had some fantasies about him and what he would do to her, but being in his arms in his bed only increased them.

Charlotte had woken up this morning with wet panties, and it wasn’t from pee. She was mortified and ran to the bathroom to clean herself up. She didn’t know what came over her last night, but she hoped Finn didn’t find out.

Her underwear did have to be changed, and she threw them into the dirty clothes bin before she walked downstairs and had breakfast with Finn. That’s when she got scolded for walking down the stairs when she was sick.

Charlotte had also gotten a talk about getting out of bed without Daddy’s help. She had given the excuse that she really needed to go to the bathroom, but she didn’t think he bought it. He just told her that, next time, she should wake him up and have him help her out of the bed safely.

She wanted to argue, but she didn’t. Charlotte vaguely remembered him telling her he wasn’t afraid of giving her a couple swats on her bottom to remind her who was in charge. Her bottom tingled with that though, and she knew she got turned on by it.

Having his hands on her bottom? Heaven, but she knew he wasn’t talking about making her feel good. It was a punishment, and punishments were supposed to hurt.

Daddy said he wanted to talk to her about something for when she took a nap or was going to sleep for a long time, but she couldn’t think of what it could be. He wanted to wait until after her second nap to talk about it. That should be any time now.

Now Charlotte had woken up from her second nap and was waiting for her Daddy to come and get her. He told her that he had a monitor with video and sound to watch over her while she slept. That if she needed anything, he would be able to tell and come right away.

That comforted her, and she had fallen asleep a lot easier for her nap. She still fought when she fell asleep because she didn’t need to take naps anymore. She felt a lot better than she did two days ago when Daddy picked her up from her house.

Charlotte groaned at that thought. He had called her out of work from both jobs, today and tomorrow since she was sick. Both employers understood and just wanted her to get better. They even gave her three extra days because they wanted her to get fully better before coming back. Did Finn say something to make them say that or were they just that kind?

Charlotte didn’t know if it was paid or not, and that worried her. She needed the money and didn’t know if she could wait four more days until she went back to work. That was a lot of money that she could have had.

They still hadn’t had the conversation about her working two jobs yet, and she wasn’t looking forward to that conversation. She knew she had to tell him the truth, and she was prepared to, but she wasn’t prepared for the punishments she earned.

Getting a second job had made her health suffer, and that was one of his rules. She already had a punishment for not getting enough sleep each night, and she didn’t want to add any more on to that.

But she knew she was going to. She lied about multiple things, didn’t come to him when she knew she should have, and broke his trust a little. Everything she felt guilty for and had for a while. The tight knot in her stomach grew and weighed heavy.

Daddy was going to be so disappointed when he knew everything, and she didn’t know if she could handle that. She didn’t want to disappoint her Daddy, but it seemed like she just kept doing it.

Would he want to get rid of her after he found everything out? She hoped not, but she needed to be prepared for that. Daddy could very well tell her he didn’t want her anymore since he couldn’t trust her to come to him for things or not lie.

That would break her heart, but she would have to suck it up. Well, Charlotte could beg for forgiveness, and she would. She would tell him how guilty she felt and that if he’d still have her, she’d be a better baby girl for him.

“How’s Daddy’s precious little cupcake doing?” Daddy’s voice filled the room and brought her out of her thoughts.

Charlotte’s heartbeat increased with his voice. Oh, she loved it when he spoke to her, called her his little cupcake, and held her. It made her tummy have butterflies in it, and she loved that feeling.

Her mind had been a lot clearer today, and she knew they were going to talk about things. Was she ready for that, or should she pretend like she still didn’t feel good?

If she pretended, it could go two ways. She would gets out of the conversations and nothing happened. Or he’d get even more worried and take her to the emergency room, and she would get out of the conversation.

Charlotte didn’t know if she wanted to play with fate and have to go to the emergency room, explaining that she was fine or keep pretending so the doctors say that she was fine.

“Better,” she whispered, feeling out of breath.

Daddy’s face came into her view, and it was concerned.

“Why are you out of breath? Are you okay? Having trouble breathing? Do I need to call Michael and get you checked again?” He fired off questions.

Her face turned red, and she pulled Moody up to cover it. How was she supposed to tell him she was out of breath from thinking about him and how much he turned her on when he walked into the room?