Granted, he should’ve done it right after Michael finished taking her temperature. That’s what he should have done, but he didn’t, so he was doing it now.
“Daddy’s going to lay you on your side.” He placed Charlotte down on the changing table.
Charlotte whined and tried to grab onto his shirt, but he softly withdrew her fingers and put the straps around her torso and legs. He didn’t want her to fall off the changing table if she moved. Finn would be moving around, and he didn’t want to take the chance of her rolling or trying to grab him and falling off. That would make her feel a lot worse, and who knows what injuries she would get.
Finn didn’t think she realized that she didn’t have any pants or underwear on, and he wasn't going to bring attention to it right now.
He wanted to get the medicine into Charlotte as soon as possible so that it started to work. They had gotten a temperature from her an hour ago, and she still had a fever.
“Daddy!” Her voice raised. “Daddy!”
“Shhh, it’s alright, my little cupcake,” he whispered to her as he ran his hands through her hair. “You’re okay. It’s just going to be a couple of minutes, and then you can be back in Daddy’s arms.”
Finn grabbed Moody and handed it to Charlotte. She immediately latched onto it and snuggled into him as he started to get the medicine. He didn’t know how she was going to react, but he hoped he could move fast enough before she realized what was happening.
He wanted her healthy, and that meant giving her medicine through her bottom in case she threw up. Finn didn’t want to give her medicine and then have her throw it up a couple minutes later.
Charlotte had complained about being nauseous when he took her temperature. Good thing Michael left suppositories and not the regular kind of medicine.
Finn grabbed the suppository and moved her knees up to her chest.
“Daddy?” she whispered half asleep.
“It’s okay,” he replied. “You’re doing okay.”
Finn was quick to line up the medicine and push it in.
“Daddy! Noooo!” Charlotte whined, fully awake now.
“You’re okay. Just a minute and then it’s all done,” Finn said as he kept his finger in her bottom.
He didn’t want to take the chance of her pushing it out. Finn already felt her trying to push it out.
“Take it out! Take it out!” she cried. “I don’t want it. I’m all good!”
Finn held his finger there for a couple more seconds before he pulled it out. He kissed her forehead and let her legs relax.
“I’m going to go wash my hands. Be a good girl and lie still,” Finn said.
He quickly washed his hands, not wanting to leave Charlotte there for too long by herself. The straps were there to keep her safe and on the table, but nothing was full proof, and he didn’t want to take any chances.
“There’s my good little cupcake!” he praised her when he walked back into the room.
“Pants, Daddy,” she whimpered. “Pants on me.”
Finn had thought about putting her in a diaper, but he didn’t know if that was a hard limit or not. He hadn’t asked her when they went over the contract, and he didn’t want to just assume it was okay. What if it brought back bad memories and she had a panic attack?
Finn had thought about asking Charlotte right now, but he knew that she wasn't fully there because she didn't feel good. He would just have to keep a close eye on her until she felt better and he could ask her.
That would be taking advantage of the situation, and he didn't want to do that. He didn't want to do it and then regret it later because she didn't want it.
“Do you want Daddy's pants or your onesie?” Finn asked.
In the corner of her closet, he found a onesie that looked almost brand new. He didn't know if she had just gotten it or if she had placed it there and forgotten, but he brought it just in case.
This one didn't have a flap where the butt was, but he would be looking into some. It was better to have one with a flap at the bottom because it would give him easier access when she was naughty, and it would give her easy access if she needed to go to the bathroom.
While Charlotte took her nap later on, Finn was going to look and see if he could find any. He knew a couple of littles and caregivers that worked or created clothing for littles. He would have to contact one of them to see if he could get something made.