She was trying to stall as long as she could so they didn't have to go into her house. It was a mess, but she also had never had a male in her house before. Charlotte had no doubt he wouldn't do anything bad, but she was worried he wouldn't like it.
She wanted her Daddy to love her as she was, but she was worried she might be too much. Too messy and irresponsible. Her Daddy didn’t even know that she was hurting for money, but she figured he knew by her water and electricity being turned off.
Charlotte put her hands on each side of her head. Everything was getting to be too much for her, and she was getting overwhelmed.
Would he understand that she’d never had a man inside her house? Would he think it was weird?
Tears of frustration rolled down her face. She wanted her brain to turn off so she didn’t have to think about any of this anymore.
"What's wrong?" Daddy asked as he pulled Charlotte once again out of her thoughts. “You can tell Daddy what’s wrong.”
"I-I d-don't want you to go inside because no man has ever been in there before." She got less confident as she talked, her voice going quieter as time went on. “I w-want my brain to turn off. So many thoughts.”
She was embarrassed to admit that. Charlotte had heard several girls talking about how they had guys come over all the time, and she wasn't like that. Charlotte wasn't a virgin, but since she had moved into this house, she hadn't had anyone over really. She didn't have a lot of friends, but maybe Janie could come over soon.
She had gotten really comfortable around Janie, and she believed they were friends now. They could have a playdate in her little room. Well, once the electricity and water bill got paid for. She needed to do that first before she had her over.
"Charlotte," her Daddy said.
She looked down at his chest. She kept zoning out, and she couldn't help it.
"Sowwy," she whispered.
Charlotte wanted to be little right now. When she felt icky and tired, she just wanted to be little so she didn't have to think about much. She wanted to give her worries to her Daddy so he could just take care of her, but right now, she wasn't doing that.
She was still trying to control everything because she was embarrassed.
"I need you to pay attention to Daddy." He brought her face up to look at him. "Does Daddy have your attention?"
Charlotte nodded her head.
"Good girl. I promise I won't look much. All I want to do is get you some clothes, stuffies, toiletries, and anything else you might need for the next couple of days," he said.
She nodded her head again. It sounded like heaven to go to his house and be taken care of, but would she give up all the control for her Daddy to do that?
"Is that okay with you if Daddy goes in to grab some clothes and other things you might need?" he asked.
"Y-you'll be with me the w-whole time?" she stuttered, fear coursing through her body with the thought of going in and being separated from him.
Did he have a night-light at his house?
"Wait!" she screeched and then went into a coughing fit.
Her throat was dry, and she didn't feel good at all. Charlotte felt like she could throw up at any moment, and she really hoped she didn't. She hated to throw up.
Daddy's eyes went wide as he stared at her. "What is it, little cupcake? What has you worked up?"
Charlotte leaned in closer to him, right next to his ear. "D-do you have a night-light?"
She leaned back and looked at her Daddy's face. What if he didn't have one? Would she be able to take hers with her to use?
Daddy beckoned her closer with his empty hand, and she leaned forward.
"I have two night-lights," he whispered in her ear. "Is that enough, or do I need to go buy more?"
She shook her head. "That's enough."
"Good. Now, I promise you I'll be with you the whole time. You'll either be in my arms, or you'll be holding my hand, but I'll always be with you."