Charlotte was worried that someone would see them out front, but Finn made sure she was focused on him and only him.

“Listen to my voice as you take several deep breaths in. Just focus on me,” he said.

She did exactly what he instructed and took several deep breaths in. Charlotte felt herself calm down after a little while.

“Now, can you tell me what’s got you so worked up?” Finn asked.

“I’m just nervous,” Charlotte whispered.

She didn’t know how he was going to react. Would he be understanding that she was nervous, or would he tell her to grow up?

“It’s okay to be nervous about tonight. It’s a big night, and so many littles in there are nervous, but you’ll make a lot of friends and be comfortable in no time,” he said. “I had wanted to talk to you before you walked in. I was wondering if you would like to be my baby girl tonight to see how it would feel. If you don’t want to, that’s okay, but if you do, I would love it.”

Charlotte was shocked. He knew the right things to say at the right time. She also didn’t know how to feel about him wanting to be her Daddy tonight. She was excited that he proposed that, but she was also nervous again about it.

“You know the rules we talked about a couple of days ago? The rules that I would give my baby girl,” Finn asked, and Charlotte nodded her head. “Those are the rules you would have to follow tonight.”

She felt herself nodding her head again. The rules weren’t bad, and they made her feel safe. Charlotte had found herself following them as closely as she could in the day, but she didn’t know how well she was doing about that. She didn’t have anyone to correct her.

“You would rely on me, and I would take care of you tonight. If it’s something you’re interested in, we can do it, but if it’s not, then we won’t,” Finn said.

Charlotte found herself thinking about it for a second. It sounded like a good idea because people would be around them, and if anything happened, they would be there to stop it or take her away from him. It would give her a taste of what he was like as a Daddy, and that excited her.

“So what do you think?” Finn asked.

She nodded her head, and he gave her a disapproving look.

“Words, little girl,” he said.

She blushed and looked down at her feet. It would be the second time she called him Daddy, but this time it would be alright since they agreed to things.

“Yes,” she whispered. She chickened out of calling him Daddy.

“Yes what?” he asked.

Charlotte looked at Finn. “Yes, Daddy.”

She felt all tingly inside and couldn’t help herself from smiling. It felt amazing to call him Daddy, and she loved every second of it. Apparently, he felt the same way because a huge grin spread across his face.

“Now, are you ready to have some fun?” Finn asked.

Charlotte gave him a great big smile. “Yes!”

They walked in, hand in hand, past the receptionist and into the littles room. A gasp escaped past her lips as she took everything in.

It was perfect.



The cupcakes Charlotte had made were nicely displayed across two tables. There were several spots on the table that had missing cupcakes, and she saw littles and caregivers eating them.

Joy filled her heart as she saw all the happy faces eating the cupcakes.

“The cupcakes have been a hit,” Finn said.

His hand was on the lower part of her back as he guided her through the club. Charlotte couldn’t take her eyes off of everything. There was a bouncy house, coloring section, face painted station, and more.