“I have faith that you’ll do the right thing. You’ll figure it out,” Mac said as he stood up from the couch. “I’ll see you down there when Charlotte comes.”

Finn relaxed on the couch as he waited for Charlotte to text him. He couldn’t wait until she got here. Now to just wait for her.



Nerves ran through Charlotte’s body as she got closer to the time when she needed to leave for the club. This was going to be the first time Charlotte went to the club without Diana.

Even when Charlotte had a membership, Diana would always drive her there and make sure everything was okay. It was new to go by herself, and Charlotte didn’t know if she liked it or not.

She did know Finn, but this was different than before. Diana was a friend, and there was nothing romantically going on, but with Finn, it was a lot different.

He was a potential Daddy, someone she really wanted to be in a dynamic with, and she didn’t want to mess up. Charlotte had suspected that she was young in age when she slipped into little space, but she hadn’t actually tested it out yet. She didn’t want to go that young and not have anyone there in case something happened.

It scared her, and now she was in a predicament. What if she fell so far into little space that she had an accident? She didn’t own any diapers or Pull-Ups, not that she would wear one tonight anyways.

Charlotte knew it would be hard to change herself, especially if she was feeling that little. She didn’t want to take any chances and get a rash when it could have been prevented.

She didn’t want to scare Finn off. What if he didn’t want a little that young? Charlotte really liked him, but she didn’t know if she would be able to be with him if he didn’t want her for who she was.

Charlotte was also excited to go tonight because it would be her first big littles’ event at the club. She couldn’t wait to meet some of the other littles and make friends with them.

She had hoped once she got more money and could renew her membership that she could continue to see those friends she made and also have a safe play to be little. Charlotte didn’t have a lot of friends, and she wanted more.

She wasn’t very social, but that was okay. The friends she would make would be enough. Ten seconds of courage was all Charlotte needed to go up to a little and ask to color or play with them. It seemed so daunting, and she wasn’t even at the club yet.

Charlotte looked at the clock, and her eyes went wide. She was going to be late if she didn’t leave now, and she didn’t want that. She rushed to the door, grabbed her keys, and opened the front door.

Envelopes on the ground caught her attention, and she stopped. Charlotte picked them up and walked to her car. She didn’t use her car much because she didn’t like to drive, but she wanted to be a little independent tonight before she was little and depended on Finn and the other monitors in the room.

Charlotte didn’t like her independence, but she wanted to show Finn that even if they got into a dynamic that he wouldn’t have to care for her twenty-four seven. She didn’t want to exhaust him or run him away.

She didn’t know if he wanted to be in a twenty-four seven dynamic or just when they were together, so Charlotte picked just when they were together. It was safer, so in case he didn’t want the twenty-four seven dynamic, she wouldn’t get hurt or displease him.

Charlotte had never cared this much about how she should act, but she wanted this to work between them.

She sat in her car and looked at the envelopes real quick. Electric and water were in bold on the envelopes, and her heart leapt in her chest, not in a good way. Charlotte knew she was behind on payments for her water and electric bill, and getting mail on them wasn’t good.

Charlotte carefully opened the envelopes and pulled out the pieces of paper. She scanned the documents and saw in big bold letters on both of them that if she didn’t pay her electric and water bill in two weeks, they would shut it off.

Worry filled Charlotte at the thought of her utilities being shut off. She didn’t do well in the dark, and she knew if the electricity got cut off, night time would be terrible. Charlotte slept with a night-light in every night.

Charlotte pulled out her phone and quickly sent a text to Finn.


I’m going to be running a couple of minutes late. I’ll text you when I get there.

She didn’t like to be late to things, but she needed to wrap her mind around this before she walked into the club. Charlotte didn’t want to worry about anything tonight, including this new information she got.

Finn was very good at telling when something was off, and she didn’t want to ruin the mood. She wanted to be free and not have to worry about adult life for a little bit, and she didn’t want Finn to worry about her.

Charlotte had already been looking into a second job on her evenings since she didn’t work at the bakery. She had gotten hired at the cafe that Finn and her went to the other day. It wasn’t ideal, but Charlotte had to do what she had to do to pay the bills.

She started work at the cafe in the next couple of days, and she hoped she would be able to earn enough money and get paid to pay the bills on time. Charlotte highly doubted that she could, but she needed to try. She didn’t want to give up yet.

James, Amelia, and Finn didn’t know that she had gotten a second job, and she wasn’t going to tell them. Her time with Finn would have to decrease, but it was a sacrifice Charlotte was willing to make. Well, not willing but that she had to make.