Her shoulders sagged before they went stiff again. She couldn’t claim PTO or sick days because she had already used up those days earlier in the year. James was now just paying her even though she wasn’t at work, and that didn’t sit well with her. Charlotte had tried to talk to James about it, but he didn’t want to hear anything about it.
James kept telling her that it was something he could do for her since she worked so hard for him. Yes, she did work hard for him when she was there. She normally didn’t take a break because they were always busy, and they didn’t have any other baker.
Amelia could bake, but she didn’t prefer to. She wanted to be up in the front helping guests, and that was okay with Charlotte. Charlotte loved to bake, and she didn’t like to be up front really. She didn’t like talking to people, strangers specifically.
“Since we’re already here, I wanted to talk about what we were going to talk about later today when we met up,” Finn said. “Is that okay?”
Charlotte nodded her head. She knew he wanted to talk about something later today, but she didn’t know what it was about.
“We’re having a littles night tomorrow night. I know the club is already catered toward littles and their caregivers, but once or twice a year we do a celebration, a party. We bring in a bouncy house, cupcakes, food, people who paint faces, and other things,” Finn explained.
Charlotte started to get excited. She had heard about these little parties that the club hosted, but she never went to one. She had joined a week or two after they had one a couple of years ago, and then Charlotte had to cancel her membership.
She had been dying to go to one but never had the money or time to go.
“Would you like to come and hang out with me and some other littles?” Finn asked.
Charlotte bounced up and down, clapping her hands.
“Yes!” she screamed.
She was so excited but quickly stopped when she realized she didn’t have a membership anymore. How was she going to get in tomorrow night? She didn’t have the money to pay for a one night access to the club nor did she have the money to start her membership again.
“Don’t worry about the money or your membership. It’s taken care of,” Finn said.
Before Charlotte could answer, Finn’s phone rang. He grabbed it from the desk and looked at who was calling him.
“Give me one second. I need to take this real quick,” he said.
Charlotte watched as he stood up and walked over to the window of his office. She didn’t realize that the window overlooked where the littles room was. Was that how he saw her the first night, or did he see her when he was coming downstairs?
Time had passed before Finn came back over. She didn’t know how much time, and she didn’t really care right now. All she cared about was that Finn was back.
“Do you want to hang out later this afternoon like we planned?” Finn asked.
Charlotte thought about it for a second. She wanted to hang out, but as she sat on the couch, she felt how tired she was. After a long day's work, the whole tripping ordeal, and the punishment, she was exhausted. Charlotte bet that if she laid down on the couch, she would be out like a light.
“I can see how exhausted you are. How about you just go home and get some rest?” Finn suggested.
She felt bad about having to cancel their hangout, but Charlotte was also glad she suggested she just go home. She really could use a nap after everything that happened today.
“I’ll walk you to your car,” Finn said before she could say anything.
Finn grabbed her hand and led her out of his office, through the club, and outside to the van. She was thankful he walked with her even though she knew the way back. It brought her peace and comfort.
“I’ll see you tomorrow night?” Finn asked as he helped her into the van.
“Yes, sir,” she whispered.
“Get home safely. Text me when you get there.”
She nodded her head, and Finn shut the door. The drive back to the bakery wasn’t long. Charlotte dropped off the keys with James before she made the short trek back to her house. By the time she got there, she was dead on her feet and ready to sleep.
Charlotte made a detour to her kitchen as her stomach grumbled, but all she found were several cans of beans and a half gallon of milk. None of it sounded appetizing, so she made her way to her bedroom and laid down, falling asleep right away.