She shyly waved back before putting her face into Finn’s neck again. Both of them chuckled, and Finn started to rub up and down her back.
“Can you clean this up while I go clean her up and have a talk with her?” Finn asked.
“Go ahead!” Mac said.
“Thanks. I owe you one.”
Before Charlotte could process anything, Finn started walking toward the staircase he came from the other night. Where could he be taking her?
“I’m taking you to my office where we’ll get you cleaned up and into new clothes before we have a talk,” Finn explained as he walked up the stairs.
Charlotte thought about fighting this, but she knew it wouldn’t do any good. She would just get into more trouble than she already was. Instead, Charlotte relaxed into his arms as he climbed the rest of the stairs.
She thought about asking him if he wanted her to walk since she wasn’t the lightest person, but she stopped herself. Don’t talk bad about herself. That was another rule Finn said she would have when and if she became his little girl.
That one was going to be hard for her since she did it all the time. She just felt like she always made mistakes and wasn't good enough. Something Finn said they would be working on.
Charlotte didn’t tell him that, but he said he could just read it across her facial expression and her body language. Maybe she needed to take some classes to hide those.
“I don’t have any girl clothes, but I do have some of my clothes here that you can wear,” Finn said as he sat her down on the ground. “Let’s get you cleaned off and into clean clothes.”
Charlotte looked up at Finn and nodded her head. She knew if she didn’t get cupcake frosting off of her that she would start to feel sticky and yucky. Not something she wanted right now.
“Can you walk into the bathroom and wash your hands while I get sweats and a shirt?” Finn asked and pointed to the bathroom.
Charlotte nodded her head again and made her way toward the bathroom. She silently washed her hands in the sink while she waited for Finn to come in. Thoughts ran through her head as she waited for him.
Would he be really mad at her for bringing in two big boxes of cupcakes instead of asking for help, or would he be more disappointed? Did he know that she knew about her untied shoelace and decided to ignore it until she talked to someone?
Charlotte didn’t want to disappoint Finn, and she definitely didn’t want him mad at her, but she seemed to be doing that a lot. He wasn’t mad, but she could tell that he might have been annoyed when she didn’t respond to him.
Maybe it wasn’t a wise idea for her to say she was interested in him. She seemed to just be making him mad and disappointed, and Charlotte knew that it shouldn’t happen all the time. Could she change something to help that, or would she need to let Finn know that she couldn’t see this going any further?
“Ready to get changed? I don’t think you had anymore frosting on you besides your hands,” Finn said as he walked into the bathroom.
“Yes,” Charlotte whispered, feeling timid all of the sudden.
Should she tell him now or wait until they start talking? Charlotte really wanted to get out of these clothes before she got into a serious conversation. She didn’t want to be in nasty clothes for hours as they talked.
“Get changed, and then we’ll talk,” Finn said. He placed the clothes on the bathroom counter before he walked back out.
Charlotte slowly changed into his clothes. She tried to give herself enough time to think about things before she had to face Finn again. She thought it was best to just rip it off like a bandage and tell him first. Then maybe they wouldn’t have to have the other conversation.
She timidly walked out of the bathroom and into Finn’s office. He was sitting on the couch in front of his desk.
His head turned when he heard her walking, and he stood up.
“Are you ready to talk now?” Finn asked.
Charlotte didn’t know what to say. She wanted to tell him that no, she wasn’t ready to talk and she wanted more time, but she knew it wasn’t really a question. They were going to talk now, and she needed to be ready.
She nodded her head, but she knew that Finn could see how nervous andfrightened she was to be talking to him.
“Take a couple deep breaths for me,” Finn said, and Charlotte followed his directions.