Charlotte whimpered and shook her head. She didn’t want him near her, she wanted Finn.
“Daddy,” she whimpered again, crying even louder than before.
She knew it wasn’t right for her to call Finn Daddy, but she didn’t care right now; she’d take the consequences later.
The man's eyes went wide, and he took a step back. “Who’s your Daddy?”
“F-Finn,” she cried out.
All she wanted to do was be held and comforted by him. She didn’t know what she would do if he wasn’t here.
The man’s eyes went even wider. Charlotte watched as he brought his phone out and called someone, but she didn’t fully register it.
The pain and shock were taking over, and she didn’t want to have to think about anything. She just wanted to be held and cry.
Charlotte heard the man speaking on the phone but didn’t pay attention to any of the words being said. His voice sounded urgent and rushed, which only fueled Charlotte to cry harder.
What was going on? Why was he speaking in a rushed tone? Who could he possibly be talking to?
Out of nowhere, Charlotte heard a door being slammed and heavy footsteps running toward them. Her heart rate picked up, and she looked over, trying to see who could possibly be coming over in such a rush.
That was who, and Charlotte was so relieved he was here.
Finn quickly scooped Charlotte into his arms and rocked her back and forth.
“It’s okay, my little cupcake,” he murmured in her ear.
Charlotte cried harder in his embrace. The feeling of his arms wrapped around her made her feel safe and secure. She felt like she could let all her emotions out and be safe.
That Finn would keep her safe. She just knew he would, and she didn’t have to worry about anything else.
“I bet it was so scary falling like that,” Finn said. “I’ve got you now. It’s going to be alright.”
It was scary for Charlotte. It felt like she went down in slow motion, but at the same time, it happened so fast, and she couldn’t catch herself.
“What happened?” Finn asked, and Charlotte knew it wasn’t directed toward her but the other man in the room.
“She was walking in with the cupcakes we ordered when I asked her a question. She tripped on her untied shoelace,” the man said.
Charlotte gasped at the mention of the cupcakes. She had cupcake frosting all over her, and she was getting it on Finn.
She tried to push away from Finn, but he wouldn’t allow her.
“Shh. Stop wiggling, I don't want to drop you,” Finn said.
“Messy!” Charlotte whined as she pushed up against Finn again.
“Oh hush,” Finn said as he grabbed the back of her neck. “I don’t care if I get some frosting on my suit. All I care about is if you’re hurt or not.”
She stopped fussing for a second and stared into his eyes. He was telling the truth, but she still didn’t feel right getting him all dirty.
“Now, you want to tell me what you were doing carrying cupcakes in here?” Finn asked. “Did you know your shoe was untied?”
Charlotte’s eyes teared up again, and she shook her head. She didn’t want to answer his questions because she knew she shouldn’t have carried the two boxes of cupcakes in here. She knew she should have stopped and tied her shoe.
Charlotte knew she was in trouble and she didn’t want to confess to anything. If James only had not asked her to do this, none of it would’ve happened. She could’ve avoided tripping and making a fool out of herself, but no, he had to ask her to deliver the cupcakes.