She never liked it when she was on her own, and yet she found herself being on her own more and more.

Charlotte got into the van and put the address into her phone. Her eyebrows rose when BTS came up. Why are they wanting two hundred cupcakes? In the years she was a member, they never bought cupcakes.

Maybe this was for the staff and owners of the club. They could be having a get together, but did they have two hundred people that worked there? Maybe Charlotte could ask Finn if she saw him there.

She was a curious person, and she wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it until she figured out what these cupcakes were for.

Charlotte drove to the club and sat in the parking lot for several minutes. Anxiety rolled through her body, and it rooted Charlotte to her seat. She didn’t want to get out and deliver the cupcakes. She hated talking to people, and she was going to have to talk to someone.

Maybe luck would be on her side and she would see Finn. Was Finn even working right now? Charlotte didn’t know what hours he worked. Should she text him to see if he was there?

Charlotte shook her head. No, she couldn’t. What if he wasn’t and he came in for her? She didn’t want him to do that. They were going to see each other later today.

Charlotte told herself she needed to be a big girl right now. She had to be because no one else was going to be. She took a deep breath in and let it out slowly before she opened her door and got out of the car.

She could do this. It wasn’t the first time she had to do something like this, and she knew it wasn’t going to be the last. She had to get over it and just do it because it wasn’t going to get done if she didn’t.

Charlotte opened the back of the van and grabbed two boxes of cupcakes. She knew they would help bring in cupcakes once she spoke to someone, but she didn’t want to walk in without them. What if they didn’t believe she was here to deliver cupcakes?

She walked toward the front door of the club and carefully juggled the two boxes in her left hand. She successfully opened the door and slipped into the club. Now to find someone to talk to and get all the cupcakes in here.

Charlotte walked past the empty reception area and into the littles’ room. Technically, the club was opened to Littles and Daddies or Mommies right now, but most people were at work around this time, so they couldn't come.

If Charlotte had her way, she would never leave this room. She always felt comfortable in here, more comfortable than in her own home. Probably because Charlotte had to be an adult at her house, but here at the club, she could be herself, little and all.

Charlotte felt her shoe become looser, and she quickly looked down to see that it was untied. When she found someone to talk to about the cupcakes and set the boxes she had in her hand down, she would tie her shoe.

She knew she should’ve worn her Velcro shoes today, but she didn’t want to feel little all day. Small things like Velcro shoes and certain clothes made Charlotte slip into little space a lot easier.

Charlotte didn’t want that to happen at work since she had all of those cupcakes to decorate, but now she was regretting it.

“What can I do for you?” a deep voice asked.

Charlotte let out a little squeak and turned toward the voice quickly. Her right foot stepped on her shoelaces and threw her off balance.

Before Charlotte could react, she felt herself tumble forward, and she tried to catch herself, but it didn’t work. Charlotte fell face down on the ground, cupcake and frosting spilling out of the boxes onto her and the floor.

She quickly looked up and toward the voice to see a man she didn’t recognize. All Charlotte felt was mortification that she just tripped and fell in front of a person. How could she have done that?

Tears sprung to her eyes as she laid on the ground.

“Are you okay?” the man asked.



It took a second for the pain to catch up to Charlotte, but once it did, she was a sobbing mess. The whole thing scared her, but there was also a lot of pain. Her body ached from falling onto the ground. She thought it was only going to be mortifying, but she should’ve known better.

She tripped really hard and hit the ground with no mercy. She knew there was going to be pain in the back of her mind, but she didn’t really pay attention to it. There was a guy in front of her, and she just tripped.

So much happened in a short amount of time, and Charlotte didn’t have enough time to process it all. All Charlotte wanted to do was hide in a corner away from anyone and everyone and cry in peace.

Out of the corner of Charlotte’s eyes, she saw the guy’s face turn into panic and rushed to her. The unknown man reached out toward Charlotte but took a step back when she shied away.

Charlotte didn’t want to be touched by a man she didn’t know. Especially when she was hurt. All that went through her mind was that he could take advantage of her in this state. It was a fragile state, and she wanted someone she knew.

“Hey, it’s okay,” the guy said. “That was a nasty fall. Can I help you up?”