No matter how hard Charlotte tried to fall asleep at night, she couldn't. She hugged her stuffies, got into her pajamas, but sleep never came. She had kept waking up in the middle of the night and was not able to fall back to sleep.

It was not really good for this to be happening to Charlotte because she woke up so early—her day started early so that she could bake goodies for people that came in during the morning rush.

Charlotte enjoyed baking little treats for people because normally it brightened up their day, but it sucked that she hadn’t been able to sleep well recently. She thought in the beginning it could be because of Finn and how she was nervous around him. How she wanted to give him an answer but didn’t want to rush into anything.

Charlotte thought it would get better once she told Finn she was interested in getting to know him better, but it hadn’t. If anything, it had gotten worse. She didn’t know how to combat this because she’d never had to deal with it before.

She didn’t want to disappoint Finn with her thoughts or how she acted. She wanted to be perfect for him, and she didn’t know how to be. Deep down, Charlotte knew that he wouldn’t be disappointed, but she didn’t know that for sure.

From what she’d seen and read, every Daddy was different with their littles. Part of her nervousness was that Charlotte didn’t know how Finn was when he was a Daddy.

Was he strict or more lenient? Was he affectionate or hard? Did he love giving out discipline at every chance or did he not?

Charlotte didn’t know the answer to any of those questions, and it was making her stressed. She liked to know things, and her anxiety had worsened by not knowing.

She knew that she could just ask him, but she hadn’t had the time. She was also nervous that if she asked, he wouldn’t like it.

So many things to think about and Charlotte was getting overwhelmed with everything.

Finn had texted her earlier this morning that he wanted to talk about something tonight. That made Charlotte worry even more. What if he wasn’t interested any more? What if he wanted to stop seeing her because she had those doubts and he knew them?

Charlotte set down her frosting tip and let out a sigh. She had just finished decorating two hundred cupcakes for an event. She didn’t know what the event was, only that they ordered so many cupcakes and the people wanted them colorful.

James had told her, and Charlotte couldn’t keep her excitement in. She loved it when people didn’t give her many parameters when it came to decorating things. Charlotte loved letting her creativity go wild, and she knew she could do it this time because they said they wanted them colorful.

“How are they coming along?” James asked as he stood in the doorway.

Charlotte wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. “I just finished decorating them. Just in time for you to take them.”

James cleared his throat. “I wanted to talk to you about that.”

She knew something was going to come up when he said that. James never said that without something going on, something she wasn’t going to like.

“Yes?” Charlotte said.

“I need you to deliver them for me,” James replied.

Charlotte’s heart sank when he said those words. James knew that she wouldn’t like this, and yet he suggested it. He knew that Charlotte didn’t like to deliver things to customers. She was nervous that she would make a mistake or say something wrong and the customer would never want to work with them again.

Sometimes Charlotte couldn’t hold back her words, and so she tried her best not to interact with customers too much. She didn’t want to ruin the reputation that James had worked so hard to create. Everyone loved this bakery, and she didn’t want to be the reason that people started to hate it.

“I wouldn’t ask you this if I didn’t have a good reason. I have a guy coming in for an interview, and today was the only day he could come in, so I can’t deliver them. You know that Amelia doesn’t have a driver's license, so she can’t. I don’t have anyone else to deliver them besides you,” James explained. It didn’t help, though. Charlotte still didn’t like it. “I’ll give you a little bonus for delivering them!”

Charlotte thought about it for a second. She needed all the money she could get, and she knew his bonuses were generous when it came to things she didn’t like to do. This wasn’t the first time he’d asked her to do something she wasn’t comfortable with or didn’t like to do.

She let out a sigh and nodded her head. “Okay.”

Charlotte had a bad feeling about this. Delivering two hundred cupcakes shouldn’t be that hard. That was what Charlotte thought, but she didn’t really know. She had never delivered that many before.

“Thank you. I owe you on top of giving you a bonus!” James said. “Here’s the address, and Amelia will help you put all the cupcake boxes in the van.”

James handed her the piece of paper, and Amelia showed up behind him. It didn’t take long for Amelia and Charlotte to load up all the cupcakes in the van, but by the time they were done, they were out of breath.

“I never want to do that again,” Amelia whined.

“Me too!” Charlotte agreed. “Hopefully the interview goes well for the guy, and he gets hired. Maybe he’ll do all the lifting and placing things in the van. Give us a break.”

Amelia agreed before she wished Charlotte good luck and walked back into the bakery. Charlotte was on her own now, and she didn’t like it.