He had been sitting at his desk for the past hour. It had been a slow and painful hour in the office away from Charlotte. Finn wanted to stay with her for a couple more hours, but he knew he needed to get this paperwork done.

This paperwork was time sensitive, and if he didn’t get it done soon, then BTS could lose a lot of money. Finn didn’t want that, and he knew his friends and other owners wouldn’t like it either.

He had told the other owners that he would get it done, but he had procrastinated on it. Finn didn’t know that he was going to find his future baby girl the other day. If he would’ve known, he wouldn’t have procrastinated on doing this paperwork.

This was the next step for the business.This was their baby, and they wanted to see it thrive.

“How’s the paperwork for expansion going?” Mac asked as he walked into Finn’s office.

All nine of them had a brief talk about expanding the club. They wanted to build another one in a different city where their friend was. Apparently there were a lot of Daddies, Mommies, and littles who wanted a club just dedicated for them.

Finn never imagined that their club would have gotten as big as it was now. It started out as a passion project, and none of them really thought there would be a huge market in Springfield, Missouri, but they were proven wrong.

The club had a lot of people who came from all over the world to visit. The nine owners got at least ten emails a week saying that people wanted a club in their own city. After a few years, Finn and his friends were finally trying to expand.

“I shouldn’t have procrastinated on it. I should’ve gotten it done right when we got all the paperwork,” Finn said as he ran his hands over his face.

He wanted to be anywhere but the club right now. He wanted to be with Charlotte, getting to know her, but he knew, even if he didn’t have this paperwork to fill out, he still wouldn’t be able to hang out with her.

He needed to give her time to think about everything. Finn didn’t want to be overbearing and coerce her into being with him; that was the last thing Finn wanted.

“I told you not to, but you didn’t pay attention.” Mac sat down on the couch in front of Finn’s desk. “Granted, if you asked any of us, we would’ve taken over since you’ve found your potential little.”

Finn looked up at Mac and gave him a mocking smile, not amused. Mac liked to rub anything and everything in when he was right. He was the one that was almost always right, and he made sure people knew it.

“Have you seen the cutie today?” Mac asked.

“She’s got a name,” Finn grumbled.

“So tell me her name.”

Sometimes Finn didn’t like Mac, and right now was one of the times. Mac could be pushy, and this was one of the instances when he felt like being pushy. Finn knew to tell him the truth unless he wanted to sit here for the next couple of hours as Mac asked over and over again until he got the answer.

“Finn, tell me. I’m not going to steal her from you. I’ve got my eyes on a little already.” Mac relaxed into the couch.

Finn’s eyebrows rose at that news. Mac wasn’t the type of person to stay with anyone. He was a player and loved that life.

“You’ve got your eyes on a little? When did that happen?” Finn asked. He hoped to deflect the questions onto Mac.

Mac grinned and shook his head. “I’ll tell you if you answer my questions about little miss cutie from the other night.”

Finn let out a sigh. He knew Mac would answer his questions after Finn answered his.

“Fine, I’ll answer your questions, and then you answer mine,” Finn agreed.

He really didn’t want to answer Mac’s questions, but he was curious about the little who caught his attention. It was so unlike Mac, and he wanted to be the first to hear about it.

“Did you get to see the cutie today? What’s her name?” Mac asked with a smug look on his face.

“Her name is Charlotte, and I did get to see her today,” Finn replied, giving the bare minimum. “We hung out for an hour before I had to come here and get this paperwork done before it’s too late.”

Mac whistled and shook his head. “You should’ve called one of us. We would’ve done it for you while you hung out with her.”

Finn let out a sigh. “If I could, I would’ve, but I need to give her time to think about things.”