The dominant voice Finn used made her fall into little space easier. Charlotte had fallen into little space more in the past couple of days than she had in a while.

So much for trying to keep her little locked away.

Finn gave her a smile. She could get used to that smile. It made her insides all gooey.

Charlotte watched as Finn looked down at his watch, and his eyes went a little wide.

“I need to go to work because I have some admin stuff to do. Can I drop you off at your house?” Finn asked.

Charlotte felt sad that he already had to go. She wanted to hang out with him some more, but he needed to leave. She also didn't know how to feel about him wanting to drop her off.

Diana wasn't supposed to pick her up today, which meant she had to walk home, but Charlotte didn't really want to walk home right now. She also didn't want to call Diana and ask her to come pick her up.

Diana would ask so many questions, and she wasn't up for answering them right now. Charlotte just wanted to go home, think about things, and procrastinate on doing adult things.

“Charlotte?” Finn said.

She looked up at him and nodded her head. She didn't have enough money to get a taxi to drive her home, and she didn't want to walk, so having Finn drive her was her best option right now.

He gave her a big smile and stood up. Finn grabbed their cups and threw them away before he grabbed Charlotte's hand and walked them out.

“Do you still want your hot chocolate?” Finn asked.

Charlotte had completely forgotten about how she wanted hot chocolate afterwards, but right now, she didn't want it.

“No, thank you,” she whispered.

Finn helped her into his car, reaching across her to buckle her in before shutting her door and walking around to his side.

Charlotte loved that even though he wasn't her Daddy right now, he still took care of her. It made her realize how much she wanted to have her own Daddy. What she was missing out on.

“Address?” Finn turned toward Charlotte as he turned on the car.

Charlotte rattled off her address, and they started heading to her house in complete silence. It wasn't a bad silence; it was really comfortable, and Charlotte was thankful for that.

Before she knew it, Finn had parked right in front of her house. Charlotte unbuckled herself and got out of the car, a little disappointed that Finn didn't help her out.

“Charlotte,” Finn gained her attention.

She turned around and saw that Finn was out of the car and near her.

“Next time you're with me, you don't get out of the car alone. I'll always help you in and out,” he said.

She looked down at her feet in embarrassment. She should have known better, but she wasn't thinking.

Finn grabbed her hand and walked her up to her door. He waited until she had unlocked the door before speaking.

“Maybe in the next couple of days, we can meet up and you can give me your answer?” Finn asked.

Charlotte knew that she was going to have her answer before then, but she nodded

“I would like that,” she replied.

“Have a good rest of your afternoon, and don't go to bed too late,” Finn said as he took a step back.

Charlotte walked into her house, giving Finn a little wave before closing the door. All she wanted to do was open it again and tell him that she wanted to get to know him, but she needed to think.

She leaned up against the closed door and took several deep breaths. Charlotte had a feeling deep down that Finn was going to be her Daddy.